
Vmesnik PCI Express na FPGA napravi z uporabo delne rekonfiguracije vezja
ID Kojek, Gašper (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 42B3D42509527EAB46DC00F2F8B469DA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bbbe1530-cd67-4c33-8f05-0be282801ae1

Diplomska naloga obravnava razvoj PCI Express vodila na FPGA čipu, kateri ima zaradi uporabe DMA enote visoko hitrost prenosa podatkov. Pri razvoju strojne opreme za pospeševanje obdelave in zgoščevanja podatkov je velik del problema, ki ga je potrebno rešiti to, kako bomo podatke dovolj hitro dostavljali strojni opremi, da se nam razvoj le-te sploh obrestuje. Večina vodil, ki se uporablja za komunikacijo med mikroprocesorji je za ta namen neuporabna, saj so hitrosti prenosa podatkov zelo nizke. Sam sem se odločil za razvoj PCI Express vodila prve generacije, saj nam to vodilo nudi zelo visoko prepustnost, do 250 MB/s na povezovalni pas v vsako smer. Vsaka naslednja generacija prepustnost podvoji, hkrati pa ohranja enak način delovanja, zato je tudi kompatibilna s prejšnjimi generacijami vmesnika. Pozitivna lastnost tega vodila je tudi to, da je trenutno najbolj razširjeno notranje vodilo v računalnikih. Vmesnik sem implementiral s pomočjo Xilinx Virtex 5 FPGA čipa, kateri se je nahajal na XUPV5 razvojni plošči. Moja implementacija je zaradi omejitev razvojne plošče uporabljala samo en povezovalni pas. Na razvojni plošči je nameščen tudi DDR2 SDRAM pomnilnik, katerega sem uporabil za vmesno hranjenje podatkov, katere se bo obdelovalo. V delu se najprej posvetimo osnovam PCI Express vodila, od razlik s predhodniki, preko zgradbe na strojnem in programskem nivoju, razloženo pa je tudi delovanje vodila. Nato si pogledamo tudi delovanje DDR2 SDRAM pomnilnika, na koncu pa predstavim zgradbo in delovanje implementiranega PCI Express vmesnika skozi vse faze razvojnega postopka, prav tako pa je predstavljen tudi razvoj in delovanje Linux gonilnika za PCI Express vmesnik ter testne aplikacije.

Keywords:PCI Express vodilo, DDR2 SDRAM pomnilnik, FPGA, Linux gonilnik, DMA prenos, delna rekonfiguracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72448 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2015
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Title:PCI Express interface on FPGA device with partial circuit reconfiguration
This thesis describes development of a PCI Express bus on an FPGA chip, which has a very high data throughput when using DMA transactions. When developing hardware for accelerating data compression or data processing, one of the bigger problems is how to get the data to the co-processor hardware fast enough, that the development of such hardware is even reasonable. Most buses, used for communication between processor, are useless for this kind of application, because of low data throughhput. I decided to develop the PCI Express interface of first generation, because this bus offers very high throughput, up to 250 MB/s per lane in each direction. Every following generation doubles the data throughput, while maintaing the same mode of operation, which also ensures compatibility through different generations of interfaces. Another positive feature of the PCI Express bus is also, that it is currently the most common internal interface in modern computers. My interface is implemented using Xilinx Virtex 5 FPGA device on XUPV5 development board. My implementation used only one lane, because of hardware limitations on the development board. The development board also features a DDR2 SDRAM memory, used for intermediate storage of data to be processed. In this thesis we first explain the basics of PCI Express bus, starting with the differences between its predecessors, through different layers of hardware and software, and the inner operations of this bus. Then we look at the operation of DDR2 SDRAM memory and finally, we introduce the structure and operation of my implemented PCI Express interface, through all stages of the hardware development process, ending with presentation of development and operations of Linux device driver and test application for this PCI Express interface.

Keywords:PCI Express bus, DDR2 SDRAM memory, FPGA, Linux device driver, DMA transfer, partial reconfiguration.

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