The Master's thesis aims to determine the extent to which the Slovenian school librarians carry out research. The object of the thesis are research tools, called the Evidence based practice (EBP), carried out in America since 2007. With the EBP, school librarians prove a positive impact of the school library on students' achievement and the quality of learning and teaching. Historically, the conditions for such a research emerged only during the curricular reform, although school libraries were already introduced in 1871. However, they slowy gained the importance and in many schools they still do not have such a role as in theory. The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire. An online questionnaire was sent to around 160 school librarians, 123 of them started to fill out the questionnaire, but only 89 librarians completed it in full. The study sought to determine whether EBP research tool was applied by the Slovenian school librarians. As this field is relatively unknown to the librarians, the questionnaire first informed them about activities, methods and strategies of the EBP, assuming that some are already known and used by our librarians, although not for research purposes. It also wanted to connect library information skills (KIZ) and research, to determine how often the research results are published, as well as the impact of the education of librarians on conducting the EBP. The results of the study showed that the situation has improved since 2007, when previous survey was made, yet only a small percentage of librarians conduct research, regardless of the number of hours of KIZ. They revealed that the majority of librarians read professional journals, the largest part of them the magazine "Šolska knjižnica" , where they also publish most of their research results. They also showed that librarians mostly publish to enrich their educational work, and that the education of librarians doesn't effect their research work.