As the result of the research of the rnycoflora in the virgin forest Krakovo, 137 species of fungi were identified. Two of them are obligatory parasites, one species on the leaves of Quercus robur, the other of Anemone nernorosa. 101 species are lignicolous, 33 terrestric, and 1 hypersaprophytic. Among the terrestric fungi 22 species are mutualistic "parasites" forming a mycorhiza with the roots of Quercus robur, Carpinus betulus, Alnus glutinosa, Ulmus carnpestris, Fraxinus parvifolia and Prunus padus. A new species of Trametes - T.fragrans - is described. The fungi established in this virgin forest are dealt with also ecolo_gically taking account of the microrelief measured specially fot this purpose, and of the plant communities encompassing the complete accessible moss and lichen flora.