The new subassociation of fir-beech forest with Festuca drymeja (Omphalodo-Fagetum festucetosum drymejae) being floristically differentiated by Festuca drymeja, Arum maculatum, and llex aquifolium was described in the higher area of Kočevski Rog. It gently overgrows towards SE and SW slopes on brown calcareous soil (Eutric Cambisols). By comparing ali the subassociations of fir-beech forests in Kočevsko, it was stated that the subassociation Omphalodo-F agetum typicum figures only as a variant Asplenium trichomanes of the subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum asperuletosum being the central subassociation offir-beech forests.