The catch ofthree bark beetle species in a timber storage yard at Rečica near Bled was analysed. Mobile Theysohn traps baited with the synthetic pheromone Linoprax against the lineate bark beetle (Xyloterus lineatus 01.), Pheroprax far reduction of the eight-toothed bark beetle (/ps typographus L.), and Chalcoprax far the central of the six-toothed bark beetle (Pityogenes chalcographus L.) were used in the study. A total of 1 O 381 scolytids were captured in the Linoprax baited traps; 00.4 % of them belonged to X /ineatus, 1.1 % to /. typographus, while 0.5 % were P. chalcographus. A total of 440 033 bark beetles were caught on traps baited with both Pheroprax and Chalcoprax; 00.6 % of them were P. chalcographus, 9.3 % /. typographus, and 0.1 % were X lineatus. By combining the temporal and spatial distribution of the captured scolytids, the density and dynamics of the bark beetle populations in a timber storage yard can be determined. In this way the bark beetle threat to stored fresh logs can be controlled.