In the period 2005 and 2006, the monitoring of male adults of the goat moth (Cossus cossus L.) was performed with pheromone traps in plantation of apricots and cherries in the vicinity of Pišece. In the past, the caterpillars of this insect pest caused languishing state of the trees. In both years the massive occurrence of the pest was established in the period from the end of June till the end of July. In Slovenia, no insecticides are registered for controlling the goat moth, therefore, other ways of suppressingits damage should be found. One of the most promising methods is the use of controlled-release pheromone dispensers (mating disruption method), which we suggest for implementation in the systems of the fruit production in these areas, where the goat moth is an important biotic factor for limitation of fruit production. In 2005, the highest number of males (one specimen/trap/2 days) was found in the first decade of July, when the degree-day sum was 595.4 °C, and average air temperature 18.8 °C. In 2006, the highest number of butterflies (1.4 males/trap/day) was found in the second half of the last decade of June, when the degree-day sum was 519.0 °C, and average air temperature 24.6 °C. The lower hypothetical developmental threshold was 10.0 °C.