In this thesis we present a study of thermal comfort of the students at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana (FGG UL) and Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljub-ljana (ZF UL). The purpose of this work is subjectively and objectively assess the thermal comfort of students, make a comparison between the two groups and to identify influential parameters such as gender, clothing insulation, metabolic rate and the impact of the building. The first part includes review of existing studies and theoretical. The second part comprises the results of measurements of microclimate parameters and assessment of thermal comfort on both groups of students with the help of surveys. Thermal sensation vote index (TSV index) derived from the surveys and are compared with the average of predicted mean vote index (PMV index), calculated using the computer program Psycho Tool. The results showed that TSV index deviates from PMV index. The maximum deviation occurs at the temperature of indoor air Tai 22,1 °C, operative temperature To 22,2 °C and a relative humidity RHin 40 %. Similar findings have also the other studies. Impact on thermal comfort have sex, physical activity prior to the interview, dress that we have on themselves and building characteristic.
Gantar, T. 2012. Toplotno udobje študentov na dveh fakultetah Univerze v Ljubljani.
Dipl. nal. – UNI. Ljubljana, UL FGG, Odd. za gradbeništvo, Konstrukcijska smer. V
Zahvalila bi se svojima staršema in sestri, ki so me skozi celoten študij spodbujali in verjeli vame, kljub vzponom in padcem. Hkrati bi rada izrazila svojo hvaležnost in podporo fantu Tomažu Kavčiču.
Prav tako se zahvaljujem mentorici, doc. dr. Živi Kristl, in še posebej somentorici, asist. dr. Mateji Dovjak, ki si je vedno vzela čas za moja vprašanja ter me je preko popravkov vodila do odgovorov in zaključkov.
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