
Uporaba tehnologije OntoWiki pri tipizaciji stavb v Sloveniji : diplomska naloga
ID Stegnar, Gašper (Avtor), ID Stankovski, Vlado (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Šijanec-Zavrl, Marjana (Komentor)

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MD5: 9F0CD053FE14B52F5FD63CE6D51A087A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4f4bbb5b-bed1-4fca-8c38-2a64f88e1b64

V Sloveniji imamo veliko število že obstoječih stavb in novogradenj, za katere lastniki nimajo informacij, kakšne energijske lastnosti te izkazujejo. Pri obstoječih stavbah je problematika pridobivanja podatkov in podrobnosti analize za izračun teh lastnosti precej drugačna kot pri novogradnjah, saj so podatki težje pridobljivi in je posledično izračun otežen. V sklopu diplomske naloge nismo zaznali orodij, ki bi na uporabniku enostaven in hiter način prikazale energijske lastnosti stavbe, zato smo se odločili, da bomo razvili načrt aplikacije, ki bo s tipizacijo stavb ponudila uporabnikom informacijo o energijskih lastnostih stavbe. Pri izdelavi načrta smo izhajali iz predpostavke, da je uporabniku že vnaprej predlagano čim več podatkov ter tako sam vpisuje čim manj. Glede na zahteve potrebujemo večje število podatkov, ki sicer obstajajo, vendar so dostopni v različnih javno dostopnih podatkovnih bazah. Natančne podatke o uporabnikovi stavbi smo pridobili iz podatkovnih baz Geodetske uprave RS. Te smo ustrezno strukturirali in izdelali konceptualni model stavb, ki ga ponudimo uporabniku za pridobitev podatkov v aplikaciji. V nadaljnjem postopanju po njej je od uporabnika zahtevan le osnoven opis toplotnega ovoja stavbe. Potrebno je definirati materiale v konstrukcijskem sklopu strehe, stene in tal. Na podlagi vpisanih podatkov s strani uporabnika in pridobljenih iz modela stavb aplikacija poišče tipsko stavbo, ki izkazuje podobne lastnosti kot uporabnikova. Za tipske stavbe je bil narejen pregled projekta Inteligentna energija Evropa Tabula, ki predstavlja najnovejšo narejeno tipologijo stavb v Sloveniji. Algoritem, na podlagi katerega stavba poišče najbolj podobno stavbo po kateri se zanima uporabnik, smo naredili na osnovi strukture Tabule, kjer sta glavna parametra obdobje izgradnje in specifična velikost stavbe. Aplikacija stavbo najprej uvrsti v eno izmed šestih obdobij izgradnje, nato pa na podlagi vrednosti površin in faktorjev toplotne prehodnosti sklopov poišče najbolj podobno tipsko stavbo in ji kot končen rezultat dodeli njene energijske kazalnike. Za izdelavo aplikacije smo uporabili tehnologijo OntoWiki, ki temelji na standardih OWL/RDF. Sistem OntoWiki smo prilagodili zahtevam algoritma in naredili prototip aplikacije. V zadnjem delu je narejena primerjava z dejanski podatki o dovedeni energiji za delovanje stavbe, pridobljenimi od projekta E-TOOL, s katero smo ovrednotili način takšnega dodeljevanja energijskih kazalnikov in navedli razloge za odstopanja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, semantika, OntoWiki, ontologija, tipologija stavb, tipska stavba, energijski kazalci
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[G. Stegnar]
Leto izida:2012
Št. strani:XVIII, 136 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32569 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5809761 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:10.07.2015
Število ogledov:3746
Število prenosov:394
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:An application of OntoWiki technology to typification of buildings in Slovenia
There is a large number of existing buildings and new constructions in Slovenia, for which the owners don't know what energy properties their buildings are showing. In comparison to new constructions, the bigger problem are proving to be with existing buildings, where the problems are in obtaining information and details of the analysis for the calculation of these properties. The goal of the thesis was to design a web application which would be used by the general public that offers information about the energy performance of building, using the building typology. When designing the application, a key assumption was that the user supplies only information which is not already contained in existing public databases in order to facilitate the process of obtaining results. Precise details of buildings were obtained from the databases of the Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. The obtained data were properly structured and a data model of buildings was designed, which the application offers to the user. A further procedure requires from the user only a basic description of the thermal building envelope. For example it is necessary to define the materials in structural elements of roof, wall and floor. Based on the data entered by the user and acquired from the model of buildings, the application seeks for a specific typical building, which is showing similar characteristics to the user one. We have made a thorough review of typical buildings from project Intelligent Energy Europe Tabula, which represents the latest building typology in Slovenia. The results of the project Tabula were used to design a specific procedure to search for a most appropriate typical building based on data specified by the user. This procedure takes into account the construction period of the building as well as building size. With all collected data, the building is first categorized in one of the six periods of construction and then on the basis of surfaces of structure elements and its heat transfer coefficient, seeks for the most similar typical building and assigns its energy indicators as a final result. We adapted the OntoWiki system to the algorithm requirements and made a prototype application. The last part of the thesis is a comparison of the actual data on delivered energy, derived from the E-TOOL, with results given by the application, with which we evaluated the nature of such allocation of energy indicators and gave reasons for the deviations.

Ključne besede:graduation thesis, civil engineering, semantics, OntoWiki, ontology, building typology, typical building, energy indicators

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