The specific purpose of this thesis is to analyze possibilities of further usage of modern tehnology such as GPS in heavy accessible mountain terrene and terrene without marked paths. That last implies work to the broader area of nonmountain terrene, which is due to it's relative undemandigness and geographic closeness to the urban areas, becoming more popular to wider population, but it still demands good sense of orientation. The thesis includes a test example of rout measerment (south orientated slopes of Kamnik Alps), on base of witch it determines the meaning and possible further usage and visualization of data gained at such way. Except with orientation problem thesis is also dealing with safety problem, in sence of high interconnection of those two areas (they are both closely connected with quality space informations). The quality of observations was made on base of comparison of existing data (such as trigonometry points and path drawn on topographic chart DTK 25 Kamniška Bistrica) with GPS based observations. And not at least important there are same ideas of possible gained applicability and accessibility based on economic sustenance that free market demands, that the thesis is dealing with at closing.