The thesis bases on the renovation and upgrade project of a mechanical eccentric press for processing sheet metal strips in the company Hojak d.o.o.
Several improvements to the existing control system have been implemented and some new and modern elements added. Having replaced an existing programmable logic controller with a newer with LCD display enables faster and more operator-friendly press operation. Installation of an optical encoder that replaces the function of the mechanical curve and limit switches, which were determining the operation of control system before renovation, was the main and most important upgrade. Knowing the position of eccentric axle at any moment namely makes it a lot easier and quicker to adjust and set the press operation. Replacing a single trigger pneumatic safety valve with a double trigger one together with using safety light curtains and a dual-channel safety control module has increased the safety of operators and workers on the press.
The purpose of renewing and upgrading the press is to increase the reliability and safety of its operation. Because of a user interface, the press operation has become faster and more operator-friendly. It has also increased the efficiency of the press for greater flexibility of operation options. Our task was to create wiring diagrams of the control system, do the wiring on the control cabinet and the press as well as the development of the applicable software.