The purpose of the thesis was to review the current state of transport networks and future trends in this field. Although the IP protocol is already well established in internet networks, the picture is different for transport networks. Many networks still rely on TDM transmission, but due to exponential traffic growth, transport networks are no longer able to ensure successful transfer. Our vision is to modernize transport networks to packet technology, which would allow successful transfer and high quality of services. In core networks, MPLS technology is already well established, but in transport networks it does not provide the same quality of transmission as TDM networks. Therefore, the ITU-T and the IETF developed the MPLS-TP technology based on MPLS technology. It has the same built-in mechanisms for the control and management of transmissions as are known from traditional networks. The thesis presents the transition from TDM to packet technology and describes a comparison of transmission techniques MPLS/MPLS-TP with Ethernet technology.
OAM functions are fundamental for MPLS-TP technology so they are reviewed and explained in this thesis; a cost comparison for TDM and packet-based equipment is also described, as well as the vision of operators about the MPLS-TP technology.
Control and management are important for transport networks. Therefore, there are various control systems that enable us to simplify the management and control of networks. In recent years, there has been much talk about the SDN technology, which enables us to define networks using software. I presented the basic concept of this technology and the solutions of the manufacturer ECI Telecom that are already on the market.