The aim of our study was to perform an inventory of ornamental trees and shrubs on the public areas of Brežice, to determine their numbers, diameters, heights, age and damage, to determine the required measures, to establish the register and calculate the indicative price for the required measures. A total of 1241 trees and 590 shrubs were inventoried. Among the trees we recorded 42 genera and 70 species, whereas among the shrubs 53 genera and 77 species. The most common genera among the trees were maple (Acer) (26,7 %), spruce (Picea) (19,4 %) and birch (Betula) (11,8 %); the most common genera among the shrubs were barberry (Berberis) (10,5 %), juniper (Juniperus) (9,8 %) and plum (Prunus) (8,5 %). The majority of trees belong to the group of middle-aged trees and 53,1 % of all trees are damaged. For 33,4 % of the inspected trees some corrective measures that would cost 64.242Ž would be necessary to perform. The questionnaire was filled out by 122 people. Respondents of the survey mostly lack larger number of avenues for the tree awareness as well as more walking surfaces where they can observe trees. The survey showed that the inhabitants of Brežice are aware of urban trees and its importance but they lack knowledge about growing and cultivating trees.