In 1994, the slope Fajti hrib - Cerje was hit by a fire, which destroyed over 250 ha of pine population and 170 ha of deciduous forest. In the following year, the surfaces hit by a crown fire were being restored. These surfaces included also 44 ha in the section No. 058, which is analysed in this thesis. Three ways of reforestation were used there: 1) sowing the Black Pine, 2) sowing the Black Pine and the Black Beech as well as planting the Black Pine, 3) planting the Black Pine, the Sikang Pine, the European Larch, the European Silver Fir, the Downy Oak, the Turkey oak, Wild Cherry and the Norway Maple into the fence. The present view of the slope Fajti hrib - Cerje reveals a lower, bright green forest part, in which the reforestation took place, among the older pine population. The first way of reforestation, i.e. sowing the Black Pine, turned out to be the most successful one. The Black Pine and the Black Beech present the majority of tree species in the restored section, while the shrubs consist of the Eurasian Smoke Tree.