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- Gruškovnjak, L., Tolar, T., Prijatelj, A., Šetina Batič, B., Vojaković, P., Grčman, H., & Črešnar, M. (2025). The dataset for tracing the invisible hearths and routine daily activities through the carbonised plant remains and geochemical signals in an Early Iron Age smithy from Pungrt hillfort, Slovenia. Data in Brief
- Gruškovnjak, L., Tolar, T., Prijatelj, A., Šetina Batič, B., Vojaković, P., Grčman, H., & Črešnar, M. (2025). Tracing the invisible hearths and routine daily activities through the carbonised plant remains and geochemical signals in an Early Iron Age smithy from Pungrt Hillfort, Slovenia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports |