Researching the value differences between men and women in the context of environmental protection represents the merge of three different fields – values, gender and environment. Our main research question was: »In what way are value differences between men and women manifested in Slovenia between 2017 and 2023 when we talk about action in the direction of environmental protection?« Our main goal was to find out whether value differences between men and women in the context of environmental protection in Slovenia exist and in what way they manifest themselves. Both at the global, national and local level, many measures are taken with the aim of protecting the environment, but in most cases they are generalized for the entire population. In this sense, an additional goal was to discover whether it would be more meaningful to focus on the social group of men and women when implementing certain measures. Our general purpose is also to contribute additional knowledge to the understanding of the topic of environmental protection in Slovenia. Answering the main research question and achieving the set goals took place in three ways: by studying slovenian and foreign primary and secondary sources, by analyzing the results of the World Values Survey 2017-2022, Slovensko javno mnenje 2020/3 in Prostorske in okoljske vrednote 2004-2018 and by conducting six in- depth semi-structured interviews. The main conclusion of the research is that certain value differences between men and women exist, but they are not crucial. In some areas women prevail, in others men, so a clear distinction is not possible.