As soon as V. Bartol took over the editorship of the journal Modra ptica (starting with Vol. 8 of the sixth year of publication, i.e., towards the end of the summer of 1934), the journal published an essay by Giovanni Papini about Otto Weinenger (translated by Ciril Kosmač). In the middle of the next year Bartol published in the same journal an extensive study Zakrinkani trubadur, subtitled Ob Weinigerjevi knjigi Spol in značaj. In 1936 the Modra ptica publishing house published Kumbatovič's translation of the extremely influential book by Otto Weiniger (from its first appearance to 1947 it has seen twenty-eight editions and in its first decade alone it had twelve translations into various languages). The article attempts to provide an insight into the conception of a geniusand the attitude of a man of genius towards a woman and eroticism in general in Bartol's and Weininger's work.