
Vloga in pomen subsidiarnega upravnega spora v času epidemije COVID-19
ID Jurič, Matevž (Author), ID Žuber, Bruna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kos, Marjan (Comentor)

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Naloga obravnava subsidiarni upravni spor in njegovo uporabo v času epidemije COVID-19. Uvodoma je institut s predstavitvijo ustavne in zakonske podlage umeščen v slovenski upravnopravni red, v nadaljevanju pa so podrobno razčlenjeni njegovi konstitutivni elementi. Pri tem je posebej poudarjena obravnava teoretičnih vprašanj, ki so se kot problematična izkazala skozi presojo COVID zadev. Zasnovo sklene ovrednotenje položaja subsidiarnega upravnega spora v razmerju do postopkov varstva človekovih pravic, ki so posameznikom na voljo pred Ustavnim sodiščem. Delo v nadaljevanju splošno ponazori razmere, s katerimi sta se med epidemijo soočali tako izvršilna kot sodna veja oblasti, ter nato izčrpno analizira relevantno sodno prakso upravnega in Vrhovnega sodišča. Izhodiščno je pomen pripisan postopanju Ustavnega sodišča, katerega pristop je pomembno prispeval k zadržanosti upravnega sodišča do uporabe subsidiarnega upravnega spora. Sklepni del naloge ponudi primerjalnopravni prikaz ureditev v nemškem, francoskem in italijanskem pravu, po katerih bi se slovenski normodajalec lahko zgledoval pri sistemski reformi, ki bi omogočila vsebinsko presojo vprašanj, s katerimi so slovenski tožniki v relevantni praksi skušali pred upravnimi sodišči varovati svoje pravice.

Keywords:subsidiarni upravni spor, varstvo ustavnih pravic, epidemija COVID-19, posamični akti oblastveno dejanje, zavrženje tožbe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164487 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214664707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Significance and function of the subsidiary administrative dispute during the COVID-19 epidemic
The thesis considers subsidiary administrative dispute and its exercise throughout the COVID-19 epidemic. To that end, the introduction discusses the instrument's disposition in the Slovenian administrative legal order through provision of its constitutional as well as statutory basis. Attention is further imparted upon the dissection of the subsidiary administrative dispute in regard to its constituent elements, with particular emphasis on the theoretical issues that arose in the course of the adjudication on the COVID cases. The prefatory section culminates in an evaluation of the status of subsidiary administrative litigation relative to the procedures for the protection of human rights accessible to individuals before the Constitutional Court. The paper proceeds to provide a brief overview of the circumstances faced by both the executive and the judiciary during the epidemic before delving into a comprehensive analysis of the relevant case law. Marked import is accorded to the methodology of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, the approach of which imperatively contributed to the reticence of the Administrative Court about the employment of subsidiary administrative dispute. The conclusion offers a synoptic comparative account of the relevant facets of German, French, and Italian legal systems, hence advancing a template for a prospective systemic reform should the Slovenian legislator opt to address the normative restraints that hindered substantive assessment of the issues raised in casi.

Keywords:subsidiary administrative dispute, protection of constitutional rights, COVID-19 epidemic, individual act, governing act, dismissal of action

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