In this masters thesis I discuss in detail certain measurements, that were implemented during the COVID-19 epidemic. I describe their timeline and their constant changes. I detail I looked into measures like mandatory use of face masks, prohibition of public gatherings and prohibition of crossing borders between municipalities. Based on those measures we got a lot of decisions of the court, some even from the Constitutional Court of Republic of Slovenia, which are analysed in detail as well as the authors opinion. In the thesis the process of penalty procedure is explained as well as analysis of a certain case, that happened during the epidemic and I will point out the procedural mistakes of officers. The mail finding of this master thesis is that many human rights were limited during the epidemic of covid-19, sadly it turned out, that a lot of it was uncostitutional. Limitations of human rights were uncostitutional because of the foundational legal act, which the measurements were based on, and not because they were unsuitable or innappropriate. Even constitutional judges didn't share the same understanding and opinions on certain important judicial and legal questions, which only shows how this is a topic which divides not only general population but also some of the most qualified people in the legal field.