
Analiza izražanja z metilacijo DNA povezanih genov hmelja ob okužbi s CBCVd
ID Stopar, Sara (Author), ID Jakše, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Volk, Helena (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo s qPCR preučevali izražanje genov, povezanih z metilacijo DNA, pri hmelju, okuženem z viroidom CBCVd. Hmelj je pomembna kmetijska rastlina, ki jo ogrožajo različni patogeni, med katerimi je okužba s CBCVd še posebej problematična. Osredotočili smo se na gene DRM2, AGO4, CLSY1, RDR2, HEN1 in DCL3, ki so povezani z metilacijo DNA, epigenetskim mehanizmom, s katerimi se rastline hitro prilagajajo na biotske in abiotske dražljaje. Eksperiment smo izvedli na treh sortah hmelja, v treh časovnih točkah po okužbi. Naša hipoteza je bila, da bo izražanje genov različno med okuženimi in neokuženimi rastlinami, pričakovali pa smo povišano izražanje pri okuženih rastlinah, kar bi nakazovalo aktivno metilacijo kot obrambni odziv rastline na okužbo. Rezultati so pokazali statistično značilne razlike v izražanju genov AGO4, HEN1 in DCL3, vendar le v nekaterih časovnih točkah. Presenetljivo je bilo, da je bilo izražanje teh genov višje pri neokuženih rastlinah. Pri sorti Celeia, ki je občutljiva na okužbo, smo pričakovali višje izražanje genov v primerjavi s tolerantnima sortama Styrian Styrian Cardinal in Styrian Styrian Wolf. Statistično značilna razlika v izražanju je bila opažena le pri genu AGO4, kjer je bilo izražanje višje pri domnevno tolerantni sorti Styrian Styrian Wolf, kar nakazuje na kompleksnost odziva rastlin na viroidne okužbe in potrebo po nadaljnjih raziskavah na tem področju.

Keywords:viroidi, CBCVd, transkripcijsko utišanje genov, metilacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163839 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211352835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2024
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Title:Analysis of the expression of DNA-methylation-related genes in hops (Humulus lupulus) upon CBCVd infection
In this master's thesis, we used qPCR to study the expression of genes related to DNA methylation in hop plants infected with the CBCVd viroid. Hops are an important agricultural crop threatened by various pathogens, with CBCVd infection being particularly problematic. We focused on the genes DRM2, AGO4, CLSY1, RDR2, HEN1, and DCL3, which are associated with DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism by which plants rapidly adapt to biotic and abiotic stimuli. The experiment was conducted on three hop varieties at three different time points post-infection. Our hypothesis was that gene expression would differ between infected and uninfected plants, with higher expression expected in infected plants, indicating active methylation as a defense response to the infection. The results showed statistically significant differences in the expression of the AGO4, HEN1, and DCL3 genes, but only at certain time points. Surprisingly, the expression of these genes was higher in uninfected plants. For the variety Celeia, which is sensitive to infection, we expected higher gene expression compared to the tolerant varieties Styrian Styrian Cardinal and Styrian Styrian Wolf. However, a statistically significant difference in expression was observed only for the AGO4 gene, where expression was higher in the reportedly tolerant Styrian Styrian Wolf variety, highlighting the complexity of plant responses to viroid infections and the need for further research in this area.

Keywords:viroids, CBCVd, transcriptional gene silencing, methylation

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