Interference with GNSS signals is a growing problem in modern times for both general aviation and drone systems. The areas of disruption are extensive and changing. Signal jammers are accessible to the general public, and drone traffic is getting increasingly denser. Drone laws are changing to ensure greater safety for all involved, but they cannot eliminate the risk of incidents arising from the malicious operation of jammers. In addition, the signal jammers can serve as technology designed to eliminate the danger of unauthorized use of the drone in an area where e.g. endangers others present. The effects of GNSS signal interference on unmanned aerial vehicles will be tested, analyzed and presented in this document. We used different signal jammers to interfere with the GNSS signals in the area, and conducted flights with the unmanned aircraft, to measure parameters such as number of connected satellites to the aircraft. These measurements were later analyzed and graphically presented in graphs. It was established that GNSS jammers have a significant effect on the functionality of the aircraft and can degrade some of its functions.