With an introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into seven parts in which
some theological and pastoral themes of the Ecumenical Charter and the teachings of Pope
Francis and other popes on them are presented. The first part deals with the theme Trinity
and visible unity. The second part emphasises the ecumenically very important topics, namely
recognition of Baptism and the Eucharist. The third part speaks on mixed marriages. Fourth
and fifth parts speak on the topics of common proclamation and purification of memory.
Sixth part reiterates the themes recognition of gifts and mutual prayer. The seventh part deals
with topics on migrants and the created world. The conclusion emphasises that the themes
Charta Oecumenica of the 2001 are still relevant today. With his documents and speeches,
Pope Francis touches on all the themes mentioned in the Charta. All this tells us that even
today the Charta Oecumenica is an important document for the Churches in Europe.