
Pogled mladih odraslih na doživljanje telesnih sprememb v času pubertete : magistrsko delo
ID Kleindienst, Anja (Avtor), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Avtorica je v magistrskem delu raziskovala doživljanje telesnih sprememb iz vidika mladih odraslih, ki so pubertetni razvoj že zaključili in se svojih fizičnih sprememb spomnijo. V teoretičnem delu obravnava fizične spremembe v času pubertete, ki jih doživi vsak deček ali deklica. Sprehodi se čez študije, ki so raziskovale doživljanje telesnih sprememb v tem obdobju, opiše vpliv prezgodnjega ali poznega pubertetnega razvoja na posameznikovo doživljanje sebe, njegovo čustvovanje in vedenje. Na kratko se dotakne tudi družinske podpore in vpliva vrstnikov v času mladostništva in pubertete. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo deset udeležencev (pet moških in pet žensk), starih med 24 in 27 let. Avtorica je uporabila v naprej pripravljen polstrukturiran intervju, ki ga je oblikovala sama na podlagi obstoječe literature. Slednji je zajemal tri glavna področja: pubertetne spremembe, doživljanje in dojemanje sebe ter vpliv družine, vrstnikov in drugih. Rezultati so pokazali, da se udeleženci dobro zavedajo telesnih sprememb in jih v večini doživljajo pozitivno (se počutijo odraslo, so veseli, ponosni). Občutke sramu in nezadovoljstva so udeleženci izpostavljali predvsem ob spremembi telesne sestave ali pojavu aken. Negativno so telesne spremembe doživljali udeleženci, ki nanje niso bili pripravljeni in/ali od bližnjih niso dobili dovolj podpore. Ravno pogovor z družinskimi člani ali vrstniki je bil pomemben dejavnik vpliva na lažje sprejemanje sprememb, poleg tega so udeleženci izpostavljali tudi dobro samopodobo ter doživljanje sprememb kot del razvoja. Avtorica je udeležence vprašala o zadovoljstvu s telesom in o spolnosti. Večina je poročala o nezadovoljstvu s svojim telesom v času pubertetnih sprememb, bodisi z obliko telesa bodisi z določenimi deli telesa. Nekateri so želeli svoje telo tudi spremeniti in izboljšati. O spolnosti so bolj odkrito govorili moški, ki so bolj eksperimentirali, ženske so v tem obdobju ob misli na spolnost doživljale sram, gnus, nelagodje.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:puberteta, telesne spremembe, mladostništvo, podpora, doživljanje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[A. Kleindienst Bogataj]
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:IV, 82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163042 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:210579459 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:01.10.2024
Število ogledov:99
Število prenosov:13
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Young adults' perspectives on the experience of physical changes during puberty
In master's thesis with title Young adults' perspectives on the experience of physical changes during puberty, the author investigated the experience of physical changes from the perspective of young adults who have already completed puberty and remember their physical changes. In the theoretical part, she discusses the physical changes during puberty that every boy or girl experiences. It goes through studies that have explored the experience of physical changes during puberty, and describes the impact of precocious or late pubertal development on an individual's experience of self, emotions and behaviour. It also briefly touches on family support and the influence of peers during adolescence and puberty. The empirical part presents a study involving 10 participants (5 men and 5 women) aged between 24 and 27 years. The author used a pre-prepared semi-structured interview, which she designed herself based on existing literature. The interview covered three main areas: pubertal changes, experience and perception of self, and the influence of family, peers and others. The results showed that the participants were well aware of the physical changes and mostly experienced them positively (feeling grown-up, happy, proud). Feelings of shame and dissatisfaction were mainly highlighted by the participants when they experienced changes in body composition or the appearance of acne. However, participants who were not prepared and/or did not receive enough support from their loved ones also experienced body changes negatively. Talking to family members or peers was an important influencing factor in facilitating acceptance of the changes, and participants also reported a good self-image and experiencing the changes as part of their development. The author also asked participants about body satisfaction and sexuality. Most participants reported dissatisfaction with their bodies during pubertal changes - either with their body shape or with certain parts of their body. Some also wanted to change and improve their bodies. Men were more open about sexuality and experimented more, while women experienced shame, disgust and discomfort at the thought of sex during this period.

Ključne besede:puberty, body changes, adolescence, support, experience

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