
Konflikti interesov na Natura 2000 območju Gozd Kranj - Škofja Loka
ID Bohinec, Manca (Author), ID Vintar Mally, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gozd Kranj - Škofja Loka je zavarovano območje Nature 2000, kjer prihaja do konfliktov med naravovarstvenimi cilji ter gospodarskimi in rekreativnimi dejavnostmi. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati te konflikte in predlagati rešitve za njihovo zmanjšanje. Na začetku je predstavljen opis geografskih značilnosti območja, ki vključuje razgiban teren, potoke in ekosisteme, pomembne za ogrožene vrste. Delo se nato osredotoči tudi na družbenogeografske značilnosti, kot so demografska struktura in poselitev v občinah Kranj in Škofja Loka. Gospodarske dejavnosti, predvsem industrijska cona Laze in kmetijstvo, pogosto trčijo z naravovarstvenimi cilji. Opisana je zakonodaja, ki ureja območja Nature 2000, in omejitve, ki vplivajo na gospodarske in rekreativne dejavnosti. V osrednjem delu je poudarek na analizi konfliktov, ki nastajajo zaradi različnih interesov med prebivalci, obiskovalci in podjetji. Ti konflikti se izražajo v posegih, kot so širitev industrije, gradnja kolesarskih poti in druge rekreativne dejavnosti, ki negativno vplivajo na naravno okolje. Rezultati anket in intervjujev kažejo na pomanjkljivo ozaveščenost o varstvu narave. Predlagane rešitve vključujejo večje vključevanje lokalnih skupnosti, izboljšanje komunikacije in izobraževanje o trajnostnem upravljanju območja.

Keywords:Gozd Kranj - Škofja Loka, Natura 2000, konflikti interesov, zavarovana območja, gozd
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162957 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Conflicts of Interests in Kranj - Škofja Loka Forest, Area of Natura 2000
The Gozd Kranj - Škofja Loka area is a protected part of Natura 2000, where conflicts arise between conservation goals and economic as well as recreational activities. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these conflicts and propose solutions for their mitigation. The thesis begins with a description of the geographical features of the area, including its diverse terrain, streams, and ecosystems that are crucial for endangered species. The work also focuses on the socio-geographical characteristics, such as the demographic structure and settlement patterns in the municipalities of Kranj and Škofja Loka. Economic activities, primarily the Laze industrial zone and agriculture, often conflict with conservation goals. The legislation governing Natura 2000 areas and the restrictions it imposes on economic and recreational activities are also described. The central part of the thesis emphasizes the analysis of conflicts arising from the differing interests of residents, visitors, and companies. These conflicts manifest in activities such as industrial expansion, the construction of cycling paths, and other recreational endeavours, which negatively affect the natural environment. Survey and interview results reveal a lack of awareness regarding nature conservation. Proposed solutions include greater involvement of local communities, improved communication, and education on the sustainable management of the area.

Keywords:Forest of Kranj - Škofja Loka, Natura 2000, conflicts of interest, protected areas, forest

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