In my thesis I present my different approaches to exploring the heterogeneity of the portal as a "machine" for transformation. The portal, as the main common point of convergence, passage and mixing of the outside with the inside, represents a certain location where space is transformed, turned around. Consequently, in my works I am concerned with the process of the structure of representation, with the construction and decomposition of both the image and the space on the pictorial surface. I am interested in the process of the creation and transformation of forms from an original to a new state, where the artwork acts as a capture of a moment of action or a final image, and represents a way of looking into a past or active process. I consider the multiplicity of the notion of portal gradually and through different perspectives; from the initial reference to the cemetery, through examples of the work I relate to heterotopias, the notion of exposition and deconstruction, and finally to the various ways of reusing and collaging found materials or phenomena in space. The viewer may witness a fractured image in transformation or its final composition or disintegration, which provokes a questioning of one's own position and perception of space and time.