
Vloga žrtve pri odmeri kazni
ID Kolar, Kaja (Avtor), ID Ambrož, Matjaž (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava spreminjajočo se vlogo žrtve v kazenskem pravu, s posebnim poudarkom na njenem vključevanju v postopek izrekanja kazni. Tradicionalno je bila vloga žrtve v kazenskem postopku omejena, vendar so v zadnjih desetletjih reforme in prizadevanja za večjo vključenost žrtev pripeljale do pomembnih sprememb, tudi v evropskem pravnem prostoru. Naloga analizira zgodovinski razvoj vloge žrtve ter prehod od žrtve k državi in spet nazaj k perspektivi, usmerjeni k žrtvi, kjer se žrtvi priznava pravica do sodelovanja v kazenskem postopku. Raziskuje različne teorije kaznovanja, kot so retributivne, utilitaristične, ekspresivne in restorativne teorije, ter preučuje, kako vsaka od teh teorij obravnava vlogo žrtve pri izreku kazni. Obravnava ključne argumente za in proti vključevanju žrtve v postopek izrekanja kazni. Med prednostmi izpostavlja večjo legitimnost kazni, priznanje trpljenja žrtev ter njihov prispevek k celovitejšemu sodnemu postopku. Kritični pomisleki vključujejo morebitno pristranskost sodnikov, povečanje represivnosti kaznovanja in tveganje za zmanjšanje pravic obdolžencev. Vključevanje žrtev v postopek izrekanja kazni lahko prispeva k večji pravičnosti in terapevtskemu učinku za žrtve, vendar mora biti to skrbno uravnoteženo z zagotavljanjem nepristranskosti in zaščito temeljnih pravic obdolžencev.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vloga žrtve, kazenski postopek, izrek kazni, pravice žrtev, teorije kaznovanja, sodelovanje žrtve
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162689 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:212878851 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:26.09.2024
Število ogledov:139
Število prenosov:27
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The role of the victim in the sentencing process
The master's thesis examines the changing role of the victim in criminal law, with a particular focus on his/her involvement in the sentencing process. Traditionally, the role of the victim in criminal proceedings has been limited, but in recent decades, reforms and efforts to increase victim involvement have led to significant changes, including in the European legal area. This thesis analyses the historical evolution of the role of the victim and the transition from a victim-centred to a state-centred and back to a victim-centred perspective, where the victim is recognised as having the right to participate in criminal proceedings. It explores different theories of punishment, such as retributive, utilitarian, expressive and restorative theories, and examines how each of these theories addresses the role of the victim in sentencing. It discusses the key arguments for and against involving the victim in the sentencing process. It highlights the advantages of enhancing the legitimacy of sentencing, recognising the suffering of victims and their contribution to a more comprehensive judicial process. Criticisms include the potential bias of judges, the increased punitiveness of sentencing and the risk of reducing the rights of the accused. Involving victims in the sentencing process can contribute to greater fairness and a therapeutic effect for victims, but this must be carefully balanced with ensuring impartiality and protecting the fundamental rights of the accused.

Ključne besede:role of the victim, criminal procedure, sentencing, victims' rights, theories of punishment, victim participation

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