The soil of military shooting ranges is contaminated with metals and metalloids (PTM) as a result of military activities. The soil of the military shooting range used in the master's thesis was contaminated with Pb, Cu, Cr, Fe, As and Sb, with Pb 4,5 times and Cu 1,3 times the critical immission limit stood out the most. PTM are a threat to both, the environment and human health, so the remediation of contaminated areas is urgently needed. Remediation on military soil is specific due to the accumulation of metal fragments of bullets. The aim of the master’s thesis was to optimize the existing ReSoil soil cleaning technology and adapt it to specific military soil. In the first part of the experiment, we tested different combinations of reagents and their concentrations, the ratio between solid and liquid phase and double extraction. EDTA (ethylendiamintetraacetic acid) was used as a chelating agent for binding and removing PTMs. The most effective was the use of 100 mM EDTA in combination with 60 mM citric acid, at a soil: washing solution ratio of 1:1,5 and an extraction time of 1 hour. Pre-seeding of the soil to 0,5 mm is necessary, as seeding reduces the concentrations of PTM in the original soil. In the second part of the experiment, we checked, whether recycling of solutions and EDTA is possible for the newly developed method. PTM was removed from the soil by three rinsing and the efficiency of PTM removal from the soil was determined on the basis of soil measurements and process solutions. In the experiment, we successfully recycled EDTA. The mobility of metals was determined by sequential extraction and by extraction of metals with NH4NO3. After remediation, the mobility of metals (except Sb) increased drastically. Concentrations of Pb and Cu fell below the critical immission value. The newly developed method did not significantly affect the soil soil characteristics.