
Problematika in prepoznavanje medvrstniškega nasilja med mladostniki
ID Stezinar, Tea (Author), ID Podreka, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključno delo je teoretično. Najprej opredelim nekatere pojme, ki se večkrat pojavljajo v nalogi, nato skušam opredeliti medvrstniško nasilje, ugotoviti, v kakšnih oblikah se pojavlja in katere vloge zavzemajo učenci v medvrstniškem nasilju. Pogledam tudi značilnosti otrok v posamezni vlogi, npr. značilnosti otrok, ki izvajajo medvrstniško nasilje. Zapišem, katere skupine otrok naj bi bile bolj izpostavljene medvrstniškemu nasilju in obravnavam dejavnike, ki vplivajo na izvajanje medvrstniškega nasilja, to so družina, vrstniki, šola in mediji. Napišem tudi, kaj ni medvrstniško nasilje. Pozornost namenim temu, kaj lahko storijo šole, da bi v kar največji meri preprečile medvrstniško nasilje – tu obravnavam nekaj preventivnih programov v Sloveniji in opišem tri celostne programe, namenjene preprečevanju medvrstniškega nasilja po svetu. Na kratko omenim nekaj projektov, ki (so) se odvijali na evropski ravni.

Keywords:medvrstniško nasilje, osnovna in srednja šola, Olweus, celostni programi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana in Orešje
Publisher:[T. Stezinar]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Issues and Identification of Peer violence among adolescents
The final thesis is theoretical. First, I define some of the terms that appear repeatedly in the thesis, then I try to define peer violence, to find out what forms it takes and what roles students take in peer violence. I also look at the characteristics of the children in each role, e.g. the characteristics of the children who perpetrate peer violence. I write down which groups of children are thought to be more vulnerable to peer violence and discuss the factors that influence the perpetration of peer violence, i.e. family, peers, school and the media. I also write about what is not peer violence. I focus on what schools can do to prevent peer violence as much as possible - here I look at some of the prevention programmes in Slovenia and describe three integrated programmes aimed at preventing peer violence around the world. I briefly mention some of the projects that (have) taken place at European level.

Keywords:peer violence, primary and secondary school, Olweus, integrated programmes

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