The company and managers, by enabling work from home, express their trust in their employees' work and responsibility that the work will be done, regardless of where they are. After the pandemic ended, we started returning to the old normal, with the difference that remote work has proven to be the new normal, which many companies have incorporated into their business models, including through hybrid work models. The researches show that both – employees and employers find advantages outweigh the challenges, especially in terms of costs and time savings dedicated to commuting, as well as easier balancing of work and family life. However, we must be aware that in the future, great emphasis will need to be placed on how to set clearer boundaries between working hours and free time when working from home and how to reduce the level of availability and the feeling that employees must be available all the time. Measures interfering this issue have already been adopted at the State level, but more importantly it is, how will companies implement these measures in their management and operations.