
Poglavitni stresorji pri študentih glasbe : magistrska naloga
ID Krenn, Anastazija (Avtor), ID Habe, Katarina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Stres je naraven odziv telesa, ki spodbuja posameznika, da se sooči z grožnjami in izzivi v svojem življenju. Je tipičen pojav, prisoten pri vseh študentih, vendar se morajo študentje glasbe poleg običajnih stresorjev spopadati tudi s stresorji, ki jih prinese glasbeni poklic, kot so perfekcionizem, izvajalska anksioznost in karierne skrbi. Soočajo se tudi z dodatnim izzivom usklajevanja osebnega življenja z glasbenimi dejavnostmi. Vsak posameznik se s stresom spopada drugače in čeprav je stres včasih koristen, lahko na dolgi rok škodljivo vpliva na duševno in telesno zdravje. Poglobili smo se v raziskovanje pojma stres, katere vrste poznamo, opredelili poglavitne življenjske stresorje in njegove posledice. Za njegovo obvladovanje je pomembno razumevanje različnih vrst stresorjev, saj se razlikujejo od osebe do osebe, kar je za nekoga stresna situacija, ni nujno, da predstavlja stres drugemu. Odzivi telesa, ki jih glasbenik doživlja ob dejavnikih, kot so nastopanje, vadenje (situacijski dejavniki), nizka samopodoba (osebnostni dejavniki), perfekcionizem (motivacijski dejavniki) in zdravstvene težave (psihosocialni dejavniki), temeljijo na anksioznosti in strahu, kar privede do negativnega vedenja posameznika, kot so zloraba substanc, ruminacija, agresija ipd. Vse to glasbenika omejuje pri doseganju zastavljenih ciljev, kakovosti izvedbe, produktivnosti in ustvarjalnosti, predvsem pa pri uživanju v igranju. Ugotovili smo, da se študenti glasbe dokaj uspešno spopadajo s stresom. Navedenih je bilo več pozitivnih strategij spoprijemanja, kot so dihalne vaje, telesne vadbe ter preživljanje časa z družino in prijatelji. Kljub temu je stres pri študentih glasbe še vedno premalo ozaveščena tema, saj je raven stresa še vedno zelo visoka. Stresa se študenti večinoma zavedajo, vendar ne znajo poiskati pravih stresorjev in strategij spoprijemanja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:stres, stresorji, glasba, glasbeniki, študenti glasbe, magistrske naloge
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:AG - Akademija za glasbo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:A. Krenn
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161959 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:207895811 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.09.2024
Število ogledov:94
Število prenosov:11
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Key stressors in music academy students
Stress is the body's natural response that encourages individuals to cope with threats and challenges in their lives. It is a typical phenomenon that is present in every student but in addition to usual stressors, music students must also cope with stressors that coincide with the music profession, such as perfectionism, performance anxiety and career-related challenges. Apart from these, they also face the additional challenge of balancing their personal lives with their music-related activities. Each individual copes with stress in a different way and although stress can sometimes be helpful, it can have a detrimental effect on mental and physical health in the long term. The thesis at hand explores the concept of stress, its types, as well as the main life stressors and their effects. Understanding different types of stressors is important in order to be able to manage them, as they vary from individual to individual. After all, what seems a stressful situation to one individual, may not be necessarily a stressful to another. The response musicians experience in their body due to factors, such as performing, rehearsing (situational factors), low self-esteem (personality factors), perfectionism (motivational factors) and health problems (psychosocial factors), are based on anxiety and fear, which may lead to negative behaviour like substance abuse, rumination, as well as aggression, etc. All these limit the musician's ability to achieve his or her goals, the quality of the performance, as well as the productivity and creativity, and above all deprive the musician of the pleasure of playing. Our findings confirm that music students cope relatively well with stress-related issues. Several positive coping strategies have been introduced, such as breathing exercises, physical exercise, as well as spending time with family and friends. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of awareness concerning stress among music students, as stress levels are still very high. Most students are aware of stress yet they are unable to find the stressors causing it and to use adequate coping strategies to relieve it.

Ključne besede:stress, stressors, music, musicians, music students, master's theses

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