In the thesis, our objective was to find out what the correct hygienic hand-washing procedure is, how children perform it, and if we can improve children's awareness of hygiene care through the activities carried out. With the help of pre-school teachers, we wanted to present their experiences with reactions and measures in the event of the appearance of indicators of infectious diseases.
The research involved 24 children between the ages of 5 and 6 and 4 pre-school teachers from a kindergarten in Gorenjska. Before the start of the first activity and after the end of the last one, we interviewed the children on knowledge about hygiene and awareness of how an individual can contribute to better health. During the intervening three weeks, we used a digital camera to monitor the correct hygienic hand-washing process in the washroom and the children's behavior during the daily routine, dedicated to taking care of personal hygiene and ensuring general hygiene in the playroom. We interviewed pre-school teachers on the topic of implementation of hygiene measures, used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
With the answers received from the children after the activity, we found that most individuals have acquired the necessary knowledge about health care. With the help of obtained and analyzed statistical data from recordings, we concluded that a large part of children are aware of the importance and know the process of hygienic hand washing and thus maintaining hygiene, which is important for their health. We have concluded that preschool teachers know and implement hygiene measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in kindergarten. We found that educators do not know all the medical restrictions that prevent children from entering kindergarten after an illness, but they know who they can turn to for guidance. In this way, they ensure a safe environment for the daily stay of the children and the employees of the kindergarten.