
Razvoj in izdelava platforme za izvedbo naprednih anket, obdelavo podatkov in analizo raziskav
ID Mihalič, Sara (Author), ID Pesek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Laure, Maruša (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo razvili celovito platformo za izdelavo, obdelavo in analizo raziskav, ki naslavlja sodobne izzive v raziskavah, zlasti na področju pedagogike in psihologije. Glavni cilj naloge je bil ustvariti orodje, ki raziskovalcem omogoča enostavno oblikovanje vprašalnikov, efektivno obdelavo podatkov, kvalitetno statistično analizo in grafično predstavitev rezultatov, kar jim pomaga pri celotni izdelavi raziskave. Pri razvoju platforme smo uvedli nove tipe vprašanj ter nove funkcionalnosti, ki so prilagojeni potrebam različnih vrst raziskav in izboljšajo uporabniško izkušnjo. Statistična analiza, ki je izvedena na koncu, obsega analizo osnovnih podatkov, pridobljenih s platformo, ter analizo veljavnosti in zanesljivosti. Platformo smo nato preizkusili z raziskavo o preučevanju povezave med perspektivo staršev in digitalnim učenjem v zgodnjem otroštvu. Rezultati so pokazali, da platforma dobro podpira celoten proces od načrtovanja do analize, in bo z nekaj izboljšavami lahko služila pri nadaljnjih raziskavah.

Keywords:platforma, vprašalnik, raziskava, zbiranje podatkov, analiza, digitalno učenje, starševska perspektiva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161740 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Title:Development and Implementation of a Platform for Conducting Advanced Surveys, Data Processing, and Research Analysis
In this thesis, we developed a comprehensive platform for creating, processing, and analyzing research studies that addresses contemporary challenges in research, particularly in pedagogy and psychology. The primary goal of the thesis was to create a tool that allows researchers to easily design questionnaires, effectively process data, conduct high-quality statistical analysis, and provide graphical presentations of results, aiding them throughout the entire research process. During the development of the platform, we introduced new question types and functionalities tailored to the needs of different types of research, enhancing the user experience. The statistical analysis performed at the end includes an analysis of the basic data obtained through the platform, as well as a validity and realiability analysis. The platform was then tested with a study on the influence of parental perspectives on digital learning in early childhood. The results demonstrated that the platform effectively supports the entire process from planning to analysis and, with some improvements, can serve future research.

Keywords:platform, questionnaire, research, data collection, analysis, digital learning, parental perspectives

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