
Uporaba digitalnega marketinga: študija primera Slovenske tiskovne agencije (STA)
ID Kobe, Sendi (Author), ID Trkman, Marina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Digitalni marketing je ključnega pomena za prepoznavnost blagovne znamke in pomembna oglaševalska metoda za podjetja, saj se na takšen način hitreje in lažje povežejo ter komunicirajo s potencialnimi kupci in uporabniki storitev. Dandanes večina podjetij za promocijo svojih dejavnosti uporablja družbena omrežja, s katerimi lahko na bolj oseben način dosežejo stranke. V nalogi pišem o razvoju (digitalnega) marketinga, empirični del pa temelji na raziskavi, izvedeni v Slovenski tiskovni agenciji. Poglavje sem začela z analizo treh letnih poročil, s pomočjo katerih sem predstavila omenjeno agencijo, njeno delo in storitve. Pri tem delu sem s pomočjo metode intervjuja med drugim ugotavljala, kako poteka marketing na omenjeni agenciji, kdo je njihova ciljna publika, kdo so naročniki, kako pridobijo svoje naročnike, kako poteka promocija storitev Slovenske tiskovne agencije, na katerih platformah so prisotni in na katerih niso, ter ali zaposleni menijo, da izkoriščajo vse potenciale digitalnega marketinga. Intervjuvanih je bilo pet zaposlenih, ki delajo na različnih delovnih mestih. Ugotovila sem, da je agencija prisotna na vseh večjih družbenih omrežjih ter da svoje delo tržijo s pomočjo elektronske pošte in osebno preko telefona.

Keywords:digitalni marketing, razvoj marketinga, razvoj digitalnega marketinga, moderne oblike digitalnega marketinga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161701 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Using digital marketing: a case study of the Slovenian Press Agency (STA)
Digital marketing is crucial for brand recognition and an important advertising method for a company, as it is a faster and easier way to connect and communicate with potential customers and customer service. Companies nowadays are using social media to promote its activities, which can be used to reach customers in a more personal way. In the assignment, I write about the development of (digital) marketing, and the empirical part is based on research conducted in the Slovenian Press Agency. I started the chapter with an analysis of three annual reports, with the help of which I presented the mentioned agency, its work and services. In this work, with the help of the interview method, I found out, among other things, how the marketing of the aforementioned agency is carried out, who is their target audience, who are the subscribers, how they acquire their subscribers, how the promotional service of Slovenian press agency works, on which platforms they are present and on which they are not, and whether employees believe that they are exploiting all the potential of digital marketing. Five employees working in different positions were interviewed. I found out that the agency is present on all major social networks and that they market their work by e-mail and personally over the phone.

Keywords:digital marketing, development of marketing, development of digital marketing, modern forms of digital marketing

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