
Načrtovanje tridimenzionalnih modelov električnih montažnih plošč
ID Platiše, Tomaž (Avtor), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomski nalogi sem podrobno raziskal in dokumentiral proces načrtovanja montažnih plošč na obstoječem projektu standardnega paletirnega sistema, ki si ga lasti podjetje Kolektor Orodjarna. Naloga obsega krajši opis stroja in celoten potek ustvarjanja popolnih modelov montažnih plošč v tridimenzionalnem okolju s pomočjo programske opreme EPLAN. Osrednji del naloge predstavlja uporabo programa EPLAN Electric P8, ki je ključna za načrtovanje električnih inštalacij. V tem delu sem obravnaval tudi urejanje baze podatkov, ki je bila ključnega pomena za uspešen zaključek projekta. Podrobno sem razložil še uporabo programa EPLAN Pro Panel, ki omogoča 3D modeliranje elementov in 3D postavitev montažnih plošč. Program je zelo pomemben za vizualizacijo in učinkovitost pri izdelavi električnih omar. Zaključni del naloge vključuje opis programov EPLAN Cloud in njegovega podprograma eVIEW Free, preko katerega je mogoče naložiti in hkrati posodobiti obstoječo dokumentacijo. Zraven je vključena tudi aplikacija EPLAN Smart Production, preko katere se je testiralo končno uporabo 3D modelov montažnih plošč. Za konec sem povzel še svoje ugotovitve. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je bil, da s programom Pro Panel sestavimo natančne 3D modele montažnih plošč z vsemi elementi, ki se bodo povezali z žicami. Ta načrt se je nato preneslo v program Smart Production in preizkusilo končno učinkovitost delovanja. Pri tem sem se srečal z različnimi izzivi, kot so iskanje različnih tridimenzionalnih modelov, natančnost pri povezovanju elementov in problemi z nepovezanimi sponkami. Naloga vključuje opis teh težav in rešitev, ki sem jih uporabil za doseg ciljev. Diplomska naloga poudarja prednosti in tudi pomanjkljivosti uporabe napredne programske opreme za elektroinženiring. Zavedati se moramo, da lahko uporaba naprednih in kakovostnih orodij omogoča večjo natančnost, skrajšanje časa izdelave in boljše sodelovanje med različnimi oddelki. S tem sem želel prikazati, kako lahko sodobna tehnologija pripomore k večji učinkovitosti in kakovosti v industriji.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Pro Panel, EPLAN Smart Production, 3D modeliranje, standardni paletirni sistem, električna montažna plošča.
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FE - Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161615 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:207698947 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.09.2024
Število ogledov:135
Število prenosov:62
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Design of three-dimensional models of electrical mounting panels
In my thesis, I thoroughly researched and documented the process of designing mounting panels for an existing standard palletizing system project owned by the company Kolektor Orodjarna. The thesis includes a brief description of the machine and the entire process of creating accurate models of mounting panels in a three-dimensional environment using EPLAN software. The main part of the thesis involves the use of EPLAN Electric P8 which is crucial for the design of electrical installations. In this part, I also discussed database management which was essential for the successful completion of the project. In detail, I also explained the use of the EPLAN Pro Panel, which allows the 3D modeling of components and the 3D placement of mounting panels. The program is very important for visualization and efficiency in the manufacture of electrical cabinets. The final part of the thesis includes a description of EPLAN Cloud and its sub-program eVIEW Free, through which existing documentation can be uploaded and updated at the same time. Additionally, the EPLAN Smart Production application was used to test the final use of the 3D models of the mounting panels. Finally, I summarized my findings. The main goal of the thesis was to use the Pro Panel software to create precise 3D models of mounting panels with all the components connected by wires. This design was then transferred to Smart Production and tested for final operational efficiency. During this process, I encountered various challenges, such as finding different three-dimensional models, precision in connecting components, and issues with terminals that did not want to connect. The thesis includes a description of these problems and the solutions I used to achieve the objectives. The thesis highlights the advantages as well as disadvantages of using advanced software for electrical engineering. It emphasizes that using advanced and high-quality tools can lead to greater precision, shorter production times, and better cooperation between different departments. With this, I wanted to demonstrate how modern technology can contribute to greater efficiency and quality in the industry.

Ključne besede:EPLAN Electric P8, EPLAN Pro Panel, EPLAN Smart Production, 3D modeling, standard palletizing system, electrical mounting panel.

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