
Naravni habitati Slovenije kot družabna igra
ID Bervar, Matevž (Author), ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svoji diplomski nalogi raziskujem povezavo med družabnimi igrami in vizualnimi komunikacijami. Obravnavam sodobne hobi igre, predvsem evroigre, ki zaradi edinstvenega prepleta pravil in tematike zahtevajo premišljeno oblikovanje in ilustracijo. Zagovarjam tezo, da je doživetje sodobne evroigre mogoče le s pomočjo prepleta tematike in vizualnih komunikacij, kjer igra pomembno vlogo ilustracija. Moj izdelek je lastna družabna igra, ki vsebuje 50 ilustriranih igralnih kart in igralno ploščo. Želel sem si ustvariti igro, ki je dostopna tako za ljubitelje kot nepoznavalce sodobnih iger in katere tematika je aktualna za slovenski prostor. Moja igra tako predstavlja slovenske habitate in živa bitja, ki v njih prebivajo. Da sem igro lahko zasnoval, oblikoval in ilustriral, sem preučeval naravne habitate v Sloveniji ter naše ključne rastlinske in živalske vrste. Pri svojem likovnem delu sem obravnaval področje stvarne ilustracije, predvsem poljudnoznanstvene ilustracije. Delovanje igre sem preizkusil tudi s testnimi uporabniki, pri čemer sem potrdil pomen ilustracije za doživetje moje evroigre.

Keywords:Vizualne komunikacije, ilustracija, poljudnoznanstvena ilustracija, družabna igra, naravni habitati Slovenije, ekologija, biodiverziteta, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Natural habitats of Slovenia as a board game
In my thesis, I explore the connection between board games and visual communication. I focus on hobby games, particularly eurogames, which, due to the unique interactions between rulesets and themes, require a thoughtful approach to design and illustration. I argue that the experience of a modern eurogame is possible only through the integration of theme and visual communication, with particular importance placed on illustration. I created an original board game that includes 50 illustrated playing cards and a game board. I wanted to create a game that is accessible to both enthusiasts and newcomers to modern board games, with a theme relevant to Slovenia. Thus, I created a game about the natural habitats of Slovenia and the living creatures that inhabit them. To design and create art for my game, I studied the natural habitats of Slovenia and its key animal and plant species. To develop my illustrations, I focused primarily on nonfiction illustration, particularly popular science illustration. Additionally, I tested the game with users, where I confirmed the importance of illustration for the experience of my eurogame.

Keywords:Visual communications, illustration, popular-scientific illustration, board game, natural habitats of Slovenia, ecology, biodiversity, BA thesis

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