
Prenos slogovnih značilnosti stop motion animacije v 3D animacijo
ID Schlegl, Ivana Pika (Author), ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Iskra, Andrej (Comentor)

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Razvoj tehnologije je tekom let prinašal novosti animacijskim tehnikam in s tem dopolnjeval tudi produkcijo klasične stop motion animacije. Čeprav je danes v ospredju 3D izdelava animacij, je slog stop motion animacije prav poseben in privlačen za gledalce. Diplomsko delo zajema opis nastajanja animacije, ki skuša replicirati slog stop motion digitalno. Namen je bil raziskati, kako v 3D grafičnem programu najboljše replicirati slog takšne animacije in katera orodja pri tem pomagajo. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen razvoj stop motion animacije in dopolnjevanje le-te s tehnološkimi napredki. Izluščene so najbolj prepoznavne slogovne značilnosti stop motion animacije in nato analizirane. Animacija je izdelana v programu Blender, kjer so bila uporabljena različna orodja in vtičniki, ki so pomagali pri doseganju zastavljenega cilja. Izvožena animacija je bila urejena v programu Adobe Premiere Pro. Dobljeni rezultat je bil analiziran in primerjan s tradicionalno izdelavo tovrstne animacije. Ugotovljeno je bilo, kako pomembna je izbira ustrezne interpolacije, kakšen učinek imajo ustvarjeni materiali in tudi kateri upodobljevalnik je v tem primeru dal boljše rezultate. Tekom izdelave je bil odkrit uporaben vtičnik, ki replicira tehniko stop motion animiranja v 3D računalniškem programu. Tradicionalno animiranje lutk in 3D izdelava animacije imata kar nekaj razlik, saj sta dve različni animacijski tehniki. Vendar se v 3D okolju z izbiro ustreznih orodij da posnemati slog stop motion animacije, če je to želeni cilj.

Keywords:stop motion, animacija, 3D računalniška grafika, slogovne značilnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161351 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Title:Applying stylistic features of stop motion animation to 3D animation
The evolution of technology has brought lots of innovations to animation techniques throughout the years. It has also improved the production of traditional stop motion animation. Even though animations nowadays are mainly created in 3D programs, stop motion has a special style that attracts the audience. The thesis desribes the making of an animation that tries to replicate the style of stop motion digitally. The aim of research was to find out how to best replicate this style in a 3D program and what tools help us achieve that. In theoretical part the evolution of stop motion animation and its developlement with technological innventions was reserached. The most recognizable stylistic features of stop motion animation were chosen and then analyzed. The animation was made in Blender, where different tools and add-ons were used, which helped us achieve our goal. Exported animation was then edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. The final result was analyzed and the differences between traditional and digital animation technique were compared. With the thesis it was researched how crucial is the choice of the right interpolation, how important are the created materials and which render engine gives the best results in this case. During the making of animation a useful Blender add-on was found, which replicates stop motion technique in a 3D program. Animating physical puppets and 3D animation have lots of differences, since they are two different animtion techniques. However, with the choice of the right tools it is possible to replicate stop motion style in a 3D world, if that is the desired goal.

Keywords:stop motion, animation, 3D computer graphics, stylistic features

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