
Strukturna analiza delno fluoriranega etanola
ID Kokalj, Katarina (Avtor), ID Jamnik, Andrej (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Per- in polifluorirane spojine (PFAS) so skupina sintetičnih fluoriranih organskih spojin, ki so zaradi svojih edinstvenih kemijskih in fizikalnih lastnosti nepogrešljive v različnih aplikacijah, od potrošniških produktov pa do znanstvenih raziskav. Ne dolgo nazaj se je izkazalo, da so take spojine nevarne tako za okolje kot za zdravje ljudi, njihova sanacija pa je zaradi njihove stabilnosti in kemijske inertnosti postavljena pred številne izzive. Pri obravnavi te problematike je zato strukturna analiza PFAS spojin ključnega pomena. Izjemno pomoč pri tem nam predstavljajo računalniške simulacije molekulske dinamike (MD), saj omogočajo študij obnašanja atomov skozi izbrano časovno obdobje. V tem delu smo se osredotočili na fluorirane alkohole. Simulacije MD smo izvedli na sistemu tekočega 2,2,2-trifluoroetanola (TFE), naš cilj pa je bil ugotoviti, kako se različna polja sil obnašajo pri opisu lastnosti fluoriranih spojin. Te v primerjavi z njihovimi alkilnimi analogi izkazujejo več zanimivih in nenavadnih lastnosti, zato polje sil, ki dobro opiše lastnosti alkilnega sistema, ne pomeni nujno tudi ustreznega opisa PFAS spojin. V ta namen smo obravnavali šest različnih polj sil: TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA, GROMOS-AA, CHARMM, AMBER in OPLS. Njihovo ustreznost pri napovedi strukturnih in dinamičnih lastnosti smo vrednotili preko primerjave izračunanih rezultatov rentgenskega sipanja modelnih sistemov z eksperimentalnimi podatki, literaturne konformacijske analize in nekaterih termodinamskih količin, kot sta gostota in difuzijski koeficient molekul. Izkazalo se je, da polja sil TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA in GROMOS-AA boljše opišejo intermolekularne korelacije, medtem ko so CHARMM, AMBER in OPLS boljša za opis intramolekularnih značilnosti TFE. Slednja so namreč boljše predvidila konformacijske oblike molekul (gauche vs. trans). Te smo opazovali s pomočjo intramolekularnih prostorskih porazdelitvenih funkcij in povprečnih razdalj od konca do konca molekul. Na drugi strani pa se je položaj maksimuma teoretičnih sipalnih krivulj boljše ujemal z eksperimentalnim vrhom pri poljih sil TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA in GROMOS-AA. Izvor sipalnega vrha smo določili s pomočjo računanja delnih prispevkov posameznih podmnožic atomov k celotnemu sipanju sistema. Prostorske korelacije med molekulami pa smo opazovali tudi s pomočjo radialnih in prostorskih porazdelitvenih funkcij. Radialne porazdelitvene funkcije so nam med drugim razkrile, da fluorovi atomi kljub svoji visoki elektronski gostoti v sistemu TFE ne kažejo tendence po tvorbi H–vezi. Razvrščanje molekul v linearne in ciklične agregate je zato v prvi vrsti odvisno od števila H–vezi, ki jih v povprečju tvori OH skupina molekule TFE.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:2, 2, 2-trifluoroetanol, PFAS, simulacija molekulske dinamike, ozko- in širokokotno sipanje rentgenske svetlobe (SWAXS), radialne in prostorske porazdelitvene funkcije
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FKKT - Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161262 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:211184643 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:09.09.2024
Število ogledov:140
Število prenosov:46
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Structural analysis of partially fluorinated liquid ethanol
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic fluorinated organic compounds that are indispensable in various applications, from consumer products to scientific research, due to their unique chemical and physical properties. Recently, these compounds have been found to be hazardous to both the environment and human health, and their remediation poses numerous challenges due to their stability and chemical inertness. Therefore, structural analysis of PFAS compounds is crucial to address this issue. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are an important tool in this regard as they allow the study of atomic behavior over time. In this work, we have focused on fluorinated alcohols. MD simulations were performed with the liquid 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol system (TFE) to determine how different force fields behave in describing the properties of fluorinated compounds. These compounds exhibit several interesting and unusual properties when compared to their alkyl analogs, so a force field that accurately describes the properties of an alkyl system does not necessarily provide an adequate description of PFAS compounds. To this end, we have investigated six different force fields: TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA, GROMOS-AA, CHARMM, AMBER and OPLS. The suitability of these force fields for the prediction of structural and dynamic properties was evaluated by comparing the calculated results of simulation model systems with experimental X-ray scattering data, conformational analyzes from the literature and certain thermodynamic quantities such as density and molecular diffusion coefficient. It was found that the TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA and GROMOS-AA force fields better describe the intermolecular correlations, while CHARMM, AMBER and OPLS are better suited to describe the intramolecular characteristics of TFE. The latter more accurately predicted the conformational forms of the molecules (gauche vs. trans), which we observed from the intramolecular spatial distribution functions and the average molecular end-to-end distances. On the other hand, the position of the maximum of the theoretical scattering curves was in better agreement with the experimental peak with the TRAPPE, GROMOS-UA and GROMOS-AA force fields. The origin of the scattering peak was determined by calculating the partial contributions of individual subgroups of atoms to the total scattering of the system. Spatial correlations between the molecules were also observed using radial and spatial distribution functions. The radial distribution functions revealed, among other things, that the fluorine atoms in the TFE system do not tend to form H–bonds despite their high electron density. Therefore, the arrangement of the molecules in linear and cyclic aggregates depends primarily on the number of H–bonds formed on average by the OH group of the TFE molecule.

Ključne besede:2, 2, 2-trifluoroethanol, PFAS, molecular dynamics simulation, small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SWAXS), radial and spatial distribution functions

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