
Vpliv dolgotrajnih odsotnosti pripadnikov in pripadnic Slovenske vojske na otroke : diplomsko delo
ID Ribnikar, Daša (Author), ID Jelušič, Ljubica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Živoder, Andreja (Comentor)

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Predmet proučevanja v diplomski nalogi so vojaške družine. Navezujoč se na predpostavko Coserja (1974) in Juvan (2008), da sta vojaška organizacija in družina pohlepni instituciji sem raziskovala ali tudi za slovenske vojaške družine velja, da so popolnoma predane vojaškemu poklicu, ali so pripadniki vojske bolj predani družinskemu življenju in vojaški poklic jemljejo zgolj kot službo. Odnos vojaških družin do vojaške organizacije se spreminja glede na tip socialne strukture, ki prevladuje v vojski. Ta razlika med socialnimi strukturami je še posebej razvidna, če primerjamo Slovenijo in ZDA, pri čemer gre za dva različna modela vojaške organizacije; za institucionalni in poklicni tip socialne strukture, o teh modelih piše Moskos (1988). V Sloveniji prevladuje poklicni tip socialne strukture, kar je razvidno iz opravljenih intervjujev, opravljenih med zaposlenimi v Slovenski vojski. Družina je pri veliki večini na prvem mestu, medtem ko je vojaški poklic zgolj služba. Kljub temu pa zaradi narave poklica, ki ga opravljajo družina večkrat trpi, potrebno je veliko usklajevanja družinskih in službenih obveznosti, kot tudi hitra odzivnost pri usklajevanju le-teh, saj se pogosto dogaja, da v službi ne vedo kakšne naloge jih čakajo naslednji dan in ali bodo s službenimi obveznostmi končali točno. Na podlagi intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila z otroci pripadnikov in pripadnic Slovenske vojske, ki so sodelovali na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah, sem skušala ugotoviti kakšne posledice imajo njihove odsotnosti na otroke, ter kako na svoje odsotnosti gledajo sami.

Keywords:družina, vojaška družina, pohlepna institucija, otroci zaposlenih v Slovenski vojski, vojaška organizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Ribnikar
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (74 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161245 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208644355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of long-term absences of members of the Slovenian Armed Forces on their children
The subject of the thesis are military families. Drawing on the assumption of Coser (1974) and Juvan (2008) that military organisation and family are greedy institutions, we researched if Slovenian military families are also completely committed to the military occupation or if they are more committed to family life and take their military occupation solely as a job. The attitude of military families towards military organisation changes according to the type of social structure, which prevails in the military. The difference between the social structures is particularly evident if we compare Slovenia and the USA. There are two different models of military organisation – the institutional and the occupational type of social structure; these models are described by Moskos (1988). The prevailing type in Slovenia is the occupational type of social structure, which is evident from the interviews conducted among the Slovenian Army employees. Most of them put family first; the military occupation is just a job for them. However, family often suffers due to the nature of their occupation; it takes a lot of balancing of family and job obligations and it is frequently necessary to respond quickly because they often do not know what tasks await them the next day and if they would complete their job obligations in time. Based on the interviews I conducted with the children of members of the Slovenian Armed Forces, who participated in international operations and missions, I tried to find out what effect their absences have on the children, and how they see the consequences of their absence themselves.

Keywords:family, military family, greedy institution, children of members of Slovenian Armed Forces, military organisation

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