
Vloga tipografije in fotografije pri vizualni komunikaciji
ID Selšek, Sara (Author), ID Fijavž, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo na temo Vloga tipografije in fotografije pri vizualni komunikaciji je raziskovalo pomen prisotnosti in oblike fotografskih in tipografskih elementov pri vizualnem posredovanju informacij. Osrednji cilj raziskovalnega dela je bila primerjava stopnje sporočilnosti posameznega komunikacijskega medija prek serije grafičnih del, oblikovno zasnovanih na tri različne načine – zgolj fotografsko, fotografsko-tipografsko ter zgolj tipografsko. Oblikovno delo, ki je vključevalo tudi izdelavo lastnega fotografskega gradiva, je temeljijo na uporabi raznovrstne fotografske opreme ter programov, namenjenih digitalni obdelavi in oblikovanju, kot so Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw in Adobe InDesign. Končni oblikovni izdelki so bili osnova za izvedbo Google Forms vprašalnika, ki je podrobneje opredeljeval prednosti in slabosti navedenih tehnik oblikovanja na področju individualnega in množičnega sporazumevanja. Glede na rezultate raziskave je bilo ugotovljeno, da uspešnost posamezne vizualno-vsebinske zasnove izdelka v veliki meri pogojuje ustrezna predstavitev konteksta le-tega. Fotografsko delo je sicer lahko vizualno pripovedno, vendar sta interpretativnost in učinkovitost le-tega odvisna od prilagajanja njegove vsebine namenu njegove uporabe. Morebitna vizualno-ekspresivna omejenost tipografskega oblikovanja pa le-to opredeljuje kot bolj interpretativni medij, ki se v večji meri zanaša na moč svoje verbalne komponente. Skladno s postavljenimi hipotezami je bilo ugotovljeno, da sta stroki fotografija in tipografija na področju vizualnega komuniciranja medsebojno zelo povezani in mnogokrat soodvisni. Medsebojno kombiniranje njunih elementov posledično predstavlja optimalen način vizualnega kot tudi vsebinskega prenosa informacij.

Keywords:vizualna komunikacija, fotografija, tipografija, vizualizacija informacij, sporočilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161018 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Role of typography and photography in visual communication
Diploma thesis on “The role of typography and photography in visual communication” explored the importance of presence and form of photographic and typographic elements in visual conveyance of information. The main objective of the dissertation was to compare the extent of communicability of each communication medium through a series of graphic design works, created in three distinctive ways – solely photographic, photo-typographic and solely typographic. Creative work, which also included the production of the photographic material itself, was based on the use of a variety of photographic equipment as well as digital processing and design programmes such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe InDesign. The final products were therefore meant as a basis for a Google Forms survey, which further defined the pros and cons of mentioned designing techniques in the field of personal or mass communication. According to the end results of conducted research, the success of a particular design was largely determined by the appropriate presentation of its context. While a photograph can be visually narrative, its interpretation and effectiveness depend on adapting its content to the purpose of its use. The potential visual-expressive limitedness of typographic design defines it as a rather interpretative medium, with greater reliance on the power of its verbal component. In agreement with the hypothesis, it was thus concluded that photography and typography are strongly interrelated and often interdependent in the field of visual communication. The combination of their elements is consequently an optimal method of visual as well as contextual conveyment of information.

Keywords:visual communication, photography, typography, visualization of information, communicability

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