
Ovrednotenje senzorjev merilnega sistema za psihofiziološko merjenje temperature
ID Gorišek, Gašper (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je osredotočeno na primerjavo dveh različnih senzorjev, TSD202A in TSD202D, ki imata različni toplotni masi in konstrukciji. Glavni cilj raziskave je ugotoviti, kateri izmed teh dveh senzorjev je bolj smiseln za uporabo v določenih situacijah, glede na njegove lastnosti in dinamiko merjenja. Metoda dela je vključevala merjenje temperature na konici prstov z uporabo obeh senzorjev. Oba smo namestili hkrati na isto blazinico prsta udeleženca, čim bližje drug drugemu, da smo zagotovili enake pogoje merjenja. Po namestitvi senzorjev smo počakali, da se temperatura stabilizira. Ko je bila temperatura stabilna, smo sprožili dražljaj, ki je prestrašil udeleženca in sprožil vazokonstrikcijo njegovega krvožilnega sistema, kar se je odražalo v padcu temperature. Nato smo spremljali temperaturo, dokler se ni ponovno dvignila in stabilizirala, ko se je udeleženec umiril. Senzor TSD202A z manjšo toplotno maso je imel krajši odzivni čas, ki je znašal 258 sekund, medtem ko je imel senzor TSD202D daljši odzivni čas, in sicer 337 sekund. Maksimalni padec temperature pri senzorju TSD202A je bil 0,661 °C, medtem ko je pri senzorju TSD202D znašal 0,524 °C. Senzor TSD202A je bil veliko bolj občutljiv na različne dejavnike, kot so vpliv sile pri nameščanju ali premik telesa, kar se je odražalo v značilni žagasti obliki grafa.

Keywords:elektrotehnika, meritve, stres, termistorski temperaturni pretvorniki, senzorji, TSD202A, TSD202D, BIOPAC, MP100, SKT100C, odzivni čas, maksimalno znižanje temperature, občutljivost.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160921-0a158b91-a995-4f2d-cba0-5817b755504a This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206520067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of measuring system sensors for psychophysiological temperature measurement
The thesis focuses on the comparison of two different sensors, the TSD202A and TSD202D, which have different thermal masses and designs. The main objective of the analysis of the study is to determine which of these two sensors is more viable for use in certain situations, depending on its properties and measurement dynamics. Method The method of work involved measuring the temperature at the fingertip using both sensors. Both sensors were placed simultaneously on the same finger pad of the participant, closer to the each other to ensure identical measurement conditions. After installing the sensors we waited for the temperature to stabilise. Once the temperature was stable, we triggered a stimulus that startled the participant and triggered vasoconstriction of his circulatory system, which resulted in a drop in temperature. The temperature was then monitored until the rose again and stabilised when the participant calmed down. The TSD202A sensor with with a lower thermal mass had a shorter response time of 258 seconds, while the response time of the while the TSD202D sensor had a longer response time of 337 seconds. The maximum temperature drop for the TSD202A sensor was 0.661 °C, while the TSD202D sensor had a drop of 0,524 °C. The TSD202A sensor was much more sensitive to various factors, such as the influence of force when positioning or the displacement of the body, which is reflected in the graph's characteristic shape.

Keywords:electrical engineering, measurements, stress, thermistor temperature transducers, sensors, TSD202A, TSD202D, BIOPAC, MP100, SKT100C, response time, maximum temperature reduction, sensitivity.

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