The thesis focuses on the comparison of two different sensors, the TSD202A and TSD202D, which have different thermal masses and designs. The main objective of the analysis of the study is to determine which of these two sensors is more viable for use in certain situations, depending on its properties and measurement dynamics. Method
The method of work involved measuring the temperature at the fingertip using both sensors.
Both sensors were placed simultaneously on the same finger pad of the participant, closer to the each other to ensure identical measurement conditions. After installing the sensors
we waited for the temperature to stabilise. Once the temperature was stable, we
triggered a stimulus that startled the participant and triggered vasoconstriction of his circulatory system, which
resulted in a drop in temperature. The temperature was then monitored until the
rose again and stabilised when the participant calmed down. The TSD202A sensor with
with a lower thermal mass had a shorter response time of 258 seconds, while the response time of the
while the TSD202D sensor had a longer response time of 337 seconds. The maximum temperature drop for the TSD202A sensor was 0.661
°C, while the TSD202D sensor had a drop of 0,524 °C. The TSD202A sensor was
much more sensitive to various factors, such as the influence of force when positioning or
the displacement of the body, which is reflected in the graph's characteristic shape.