
Kolekcija oblačil z naslovom Gospa Crawford gre na ribolov
ID Gorenjak, Tilen (Avtor), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Valenci, Sara (Komentor)

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Diplomsko delo Kolekcija oblačil z naslovom Gospa Crawford gre na ribolov predstavlja proces snovanja in oblikovanja kolekcije oblačil. Namen diplomskega dela je bil združitev oziroma simbioza estetike, vzdušja, oblačenja obalnih pristanišč in ribiškega delavstva z obdobjem starega Hollywooda, silhuetami štiridesetih in petdesetih let 20. stoletja in visoko modo. Cilj je bil povezati zastavljeni temi, ki sta si popolnoma nasprotni, s prepletom silhuet, oblik, materialov, tehnik in trajnosti. V teoretičnem delu sem se poglobil v raziskovanje mode štiridesetih in petdesetih let 20. stoletja, zlate dobe Hollywooda in njenega vpliva na modo, Joan Crawford kot stilske ikone, visoke mode in ribištva v povezavi s trajnostjo. V eksperimentalnem delu sem zasnoval kolekcijo oblačil, sestavljeno iz petih silhuet. Za izdelavo eksperimentalnega dela oziroma kolekcije sem uporabil tako materiale, značilne za obalna pristanišča in ribištvo, kot materiale, tipične za obdobje starega Hollywooda. To so scuba, neopren, vodoodporni poliester, odpadne ribiške mreže in vrvi, saten in volna. Pri izdelavi sem uporabljal razne ročne tehnike, ki se navezujejo na ateljejsko oziroma unikatno oblikovanje oblačil v visoki modi, kot sta vzorčenje in pretkanje. Z odpadno vrvjo je bila odpadna ribiška mreža pretkana tako, da je za izdelavo oblačil nastala unikatna metraža z vzorci, za katere sem našel navdih v ribiških detajlih. Voluminozne oblike in silhuete sem izdelal iz materialov, ki zanje niso značilni. Kolekcija oblačil je dokaz, da se estetika starega Hollywooda lahko na sodoben in trajnosten način poveže z vzdušjem ribiškega delavstva. Zastavljene cilje sem dosegel, saj je gospa Crawford glamur starega Hollywoda ujela v ribiško mrežo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Obalna pristanišča, Hollywood, glamur, visoka moda, trajnost, ribiška mreža, kolekcija
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160876 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:05.09.2024
Število ogledov:112
Število prenosov:29
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Fashion collection titled Mrs. Crawford goes fishing
The graduate thesis Clothing Collection titled Ms Crawford Goes Fishing represents the process of designing a clothing collection. The aim of the thesis was to merge the aesthetics, atmosphere, clothing of coastal harbours and fishing industry with the period of old Hollywood, silhouettes of the mid 20th century and high fashion. The aim was to connect two completely opposite themes with a combination of silhouettes, shapes, materials, techniques and sustainability. In the theoretical part I delved into the fashion of the 1940s and 1950s, the Golden Age of Hollywood and its influence on fashion, Joan Crawford as a style icon, high fashion and fishing industry in relation to sustainability. In the experimental part, I designed a clothing collection consisting of five silhouettes. To create the collection, I used materials typical of coastal harbours and fishing industry, as well as materials typical of the old Hollywood period. These are scuba, neoprene, waterproof polyester, waste fishing nets and ropes, satin and wool. During the development I used various hand techniques related to haute couture, such as embroidery and weaving. With waste ropes, the waste fishing net was interwoven in a way that a unique piece of woven fabric with patterns was created, for which I found inspiration in coastal harbour elements. I made voluminous shapes and silhouettes from materials that are not typical for them. The collection is a proof that old glamour can be combined with the atmosphere of coastal harbours in a modern and sustainable way. I achieved my goals because Ms Crawford caught the glamour of old Hollywood in a fishing net.

Ključne besede:Coastal harbours, Hollywood, glamour, high fashion, sustainability, fishing net, collection

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