
Preoblikovanje digitalnega osnovnošolskega učnega gradiva
ID Bertoncelj Čadež, Aja (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Izboljšava učnega gradiva s pomočjo grafičnega oblikovanja analizira staro učno gradivo in ga s pomočjo načel grafičnega oblikovanja preoblikuje ter ponovno analizira. V teoriji smo raziskali načela oblikovanja, kot so teorija barv, tipografija in kompozicija, da bi razumeli njihov vpliv na splošno vizualno ustreznost izobraževalnih vsebin. S premišljeno uporabo teh načel smo povečali vizualno ustreznost in učinkovitost gradiva. Načela osredotočena na uporabnika, smo uporabili, da smo ustvarili izobraževalno gradivo, ki bo poskrbelo za potrebe in kognitivne sposobnosti učencev osmega razreda. To je vključevalo upoštevanje dejavnikov, kot so berljivost in čitljivost, vizualna privlačnost in interaktivnost. S tem bi zagotovili, da so materiali zanimivi in dostopni ciljnemu občinstvu. Integrirali smo interaktivne elemente, kot so animacije in zvočna podpora, da bi ustvarili bolj dinamično učno izkušnjo. Te interaktivne funkcije so namenjene spodbujanju aktivnega sodelovanja in učencem nudijo priložnosti za interakcijo z vsebino na smiseln način. Izdelali smo animacije in vizualne elemente posebej prilagojene vsebini gradiva, da bi vizualno ponazorili ključne koncepte in procese. Zasnovane so tako, da dopolnjujejo besedilo in učencem izboljšajo razumevanje snovi, obenem pa gradivo popestrijo in ga naredijo primernejšega za starostno skupino. S kratkim vprašalnikom smo s pomočjo učiteljev zbrali dodatne informacije o prenovljenem izobraževalnem gradivu. Omogočil nam je, da ocenimo učinkovitost gradiva pri doseganju izobraževalnih ciljev in opredelimo področja za izboljšave na podlagi opažanj učiteljev.

Keywords:grafično oblikovanje, učno gradivo, interaktivni elementi, preoblikovanje in izboljšava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160832-36a6f362-6e1a-c2b8-22df-92db8bb82f55 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Redesigning digital learning material for primary schools
The thesis "Enhancing learning materials through graphic design" analyses old learning materials, redesigning and re-analysing them using graphic design principles. In the theoretical part, we explored design principles such as colour theory, typography, and composition to understand their impact on the overall visual appeal of educational content. Through the thoughtful application of these principles, we increased the visual appeal and effectiveness of the material. We applied these user-centred principles to create educational materials that cater to the needs, preferences, and cognitive abilities of eighth grade students. This included consideration of factors such as readability and legibility, visual appeal, and interactivity. This would ensure that the materials were interesting and accessible to the target audience. We integrated interactive elements such as animations and audio support to create a more dynamic and participatory learning experience. These interactive features are designed to encourage active participation and provide opportunities for learners to interact with the content in a meaningful way. We have created animations and graphics specifically tailored to the content of the material to visually illustrate key concepts and processes. They are designed to complement the text and enhance learners' understanding of the material, while at the same time enriching the material and making it more age appropriate. A short questionnaire was used with the help of teachers to gather further information on the revised educational material. It allowed us to assess the effectiveness of the material in achieving the educational objectives and to identify areas for improvement based on teachers' insights and observations.

Keywords:graphic design, learning materials, interactive elements, redesign and improvement

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