
Ilustracija balkanske folklore
ID Kadirić, Nejla (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo v teoretičnem delu predstavi izbrane primere ilustracije, njeno zgodovino, vrste in uporabo v grafičnem oblikovanju. Raziskovanje obsega tudi pregled uporabe vizualne umetnosti v ritualih, ki smo jih predstavili na nekaj primerih, literaturo o ritualnih kartah za divinacijo (obredov prerokovanja) in o folklori. Na podlagi raziskav iz teoretičnega dela smo v eksperimentalnem delu oblikovali set dvaindvajsetih kart tarota, ki predstavljajo karte velike arkane. Velika arkana tarota ponazarja osebnostne, duhovne in življenjske arhetipe z močnimi simbolnimi sporočili, zato smo za vsako karto poiskali in ilustrirali primeren motiv iz balkanske folklore, ki nosi podobno simboliko kot karta, na katero smo lik umestili. Hrbtno stran kart smo oblikovali v skladu s primeri simbolov iz ljudske umetnosti, razširjene na področju Balkana, s čimer smo želeli potencialne uporabnike s pomočjo vizualnih sporočil vpeljati v svet balkanskih tradicij in jih o njih poučiti. Kartam smo dodali priročnik z navodili za uporabo kart ter opisi motivov in sporočil kart, s katerim smo želeli uporabnike poučiti o folklornih motivih, ki jih najdemo na balkanskem prostoru, in jih stimulirati za samostojno učenje o kulturni dediščini balkanskih držav. Eksperimentalni del je poleg procesa oblikovanja izdelka obsegal tudi vprašalnik, s pomočjo katerega smo preverjali delovne hipoteze, ki smo si jih postavili že na začetku magistrskega dela in so bile osnova za raziskovalno delo. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako razširjeno je znanje o folklori Balkana in ali lahko uporaba ilustracije v ritualu spodbudi dialog o ilustriranih motivih ter nadaljnje raziskovanje. Raziskava je pokazala, da bi uporaba ilustracije balkanskih folklornih motivov v ritualu anketirance spodbudila k učenju o balkanski folklori, medtem ko je nekoliko manj verjetno, da bi spodbudila tudi dialog.

Keywords:ilustracija, umetnost v ritualu, tarot, balkanska folklora, dialog in učenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160757-247a9750-0476-f686-64a8-c68d930d85f4 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Title:Illustration of Balkan folklore
The theoretical part of the master's thesis offers an insight into illustration, its history, genres, and use in graphic design. It also includes research on the use of visual arts in rituals, which we presented through a few examples; research on ritual cards used in divination, and on folklore. Based on the research from the theoretical part of the thesis, we designed a set of twenty-two cards that represent the major arcana tarot set in the experimental part. The major arcana illustrates archetypes about human personalities, spirituality, and life with strong symbolic messages. We researched and illustrated the appropriate motif from Balkan folklore that carries similar symbolism to the card on which it was portrayed. We designed the back of the cards in accordance with the motifs or symbols from the folk art spread across the Balkan area with the aim of introducing the potential users of these cards to the world of Balkan traditions and educating them about these traditions through the visual messages. We designed and added a manual to the cards with instructions on how to use them and descriptions of the motifs and messages of the cards, through with which we wanted to educate users about the folklore motifs found in the Balkan area and stimulate them to independently learn about the cultural heritage of Balkan countries. In addition to the product design process, the experimental part also included a survey, with the help of which we tested the working hypotheses that we had set at the very beginning of the master's thesis and which were the basis for the research work. The aim of the master's thesis was to find out how widespread the knowledge of Balkan folklore really is and whether we can use illustration in rituals to stimulate a dialog about the illustrated motifs and individual learning in the future. The research has found that using an illustration of Balkan folklore motifs in a ritual would encourage survey respondents to learn about Balkan folklore, but was somewhat less likely to encourage dialogue.

Keywords:illustration, art in ritual, tarot, Balkan folklore, dialogue and learning

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