
Ocena varnosti navadnega divjega kostanja (Aesculus hippocastanum) kot kozmetične sestavine z uporabo pristopa s pragom toksikološkega tveganja
ID Grubič, Sara (Author), ID Jakopin, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Navadni divji kostanj (Aesculus hippocastanum) je zdravilna rastlina iz družine sapindovk in je zelo poznana in uporabljena v tradicionalni kot tudi moderni medicini. V kozmetičnih izdelkih se največkrat pojavlja kot sestavina za nego kože zaradi svojih negovalnih učinkov, poleg tega lahko ima še adstringentni in tonični učinek, zato ga najdemo v raznih komercialnih kozmetičnih izdelkih. Rastlinski izvlečki se smatrajo za varne, vendar je zelo pomembno upoštevati vsa predpisana pravila in priporočila za izdelavo izvlečka kot tudi za pridobivanje posameznih spojin. V diplomski nalogi smo ocenili varnost izvlečka navadnega divjega kostanja kot sestavine kozmetičnega izdelka z uporabo pristopa s pragom toksikološkega tveganja (TTC). Pristop temelji na razvrščanju posameznih spojin v Cramer-jeve razrede toksičnosti na osnovi kemijske strukture spojine. Za vsak razred je postavljena mejna vrednost izpostavljenosti. S pomočjo literature smo preučili kvalitativno in kvantitativno sestavo izvlečka cvetov, semen in listov navadnega divjega kostanja ter na podlagi fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti spojin in njihovih koncentracij v izvlečku ocenili maksimalni potencialni obseg absorpcije in sistemsko izpostavljenost. Za nekatere spojine nismo imeli podatka o koncentraciji, zato smo za določanje sistemske izpostavljenosti uporabili mejne vrednosti Cramerjevih razredov (vrednosti TTC) in ocenjene maksimalne potencialne absorpcije. Za nekatere spojine smo našli tudi vrednosti NOAEL, s pomočjo katerih smo izračunali varni dnevni odmerek. Vrednosti NOAEL, ki so bile eksperimentalno določene, so bile bistveno višje od vrednosti TTC kot tudi od vrednosti za sistemsko izpostavljenost ob uporabi izvlečka. Na koncu smo ocenili, da so izvleček cvetov, semena in listi navadnega divjega kostanja varni za uporabo v kozmetičnih izdelkih.

Keywords:izvleček navadnega divjega kostanja, potencialni obseg absorpcije, pristop TTC, dnevni varni odmerek, Cramer-jev razred toksičnosti, ocena varnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160752-0cb8f1a0-a185-fa00-ad27-33f8ae127c2b This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Safety assessment of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) extract as a cosmetic ingredient using the threshold of toxicological concern approach
Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a medicinal plant from the Sapindaceae family and is widely known and used in traditional as well as modern medicine. In cosmetic products, it most often appears as a skin care ingredient due to its nourishing effects. In addition, it can have an astringent and tonic effect and is found in various commercial cosmetic products. Plant extracts are considered safe, but it is very important to follow all the prescribed rules and recommendations for making the extract as well as for obtaining individual compounds. In this thesis, we assessed the safety of the extract of horse chestnut as a component of a cosmetic product using the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) approach. The approach is based on the classification of individual compounds into Cramer classes based on their chemical structures. Each class is assigned a permitted exposure level. Based on the literature data, we studied the qualitative and quantitative composition of the extract of flowers, seeds and leaves of horse chestnut. Based on the physicochemical properties of the compounds and their concentrations, we estimated the maximum potential extent of absorption and systemic exposure. For some compounds, we did not have data on their content, so TTC values and estimated maximum potential absorption were used to determine their maximum permitted concentration in the extract. For some compounds, NOAEL values were also found, based on which we calculated the safe daily doses. The experimentally determined NOAEL values were significantly higher than the assigned TTC values and estimated systemic exposures following the use of extract. To conclude, we assessed that the extract of flowers, seeds and leaves of horse chestnut are safe for use in cosmetic products.

Keywords:horse chestnut extract, potential absorption, TTC approach, daily safe dose, Cramer classification scheme, safety assessment

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