
Razvoj inteligentnih medicinskih sistemov s človekom v odločitveni zanki
ID Krevatin, Mark (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zdravstvo se danes sooča s številnimi izzivi, npr. pomanjkanje zdravstvenega osebja, naraščajoče število bolnikov, dolge čakalne vrste itd. Vse te pomankljivosti vplivajo na kakovost obravnave in oskrbe bolnikov, zato je nujno potrebna inovacija v zdravstvu, ki bi izboljšala učinkovitost, natančnost in dostopnost zdravsvetnih storitev. Za primer malarije, kontroliranje srca in prepoznavo določenih okužb bomo predstavili rešitve, ki so jih znanstveniki ustvarili, da bi odpravili zgoraj opisane probleme. Vsak od inteligentnih medicinskih sistemov potrebuje človeka v odločitveni zanki za preverbo točnosti, vendar pa človek nima iste vloge pri vseh sistemih. Lahko pomaga trenirati, lahko je avtor znanja (npr. pri ekspertnih sistemih), lahko pa oceni ustreznost odločitev in jih potrdi ali zavrže. Za primer malarije je bil ustvarjen ekspertni sistem, ki je dostopen na mobilnem telefonu in na podlagi vnešenih simptomov pacienta naredi diagnozo. Ustvarjena aplikacija je še danes v uporabi v manj razvitih državah, kjer je tudi dostop do zdravnika slabši. S tem se je razbremenilo povpraševanje po zdravniku in omogočila oskrba ljudem, ki to resnično potrebujejo. Pri primeru kontroliranja srca gre za teoretičen sistem, kjer smo s pomočjo različnih vrst senzorjev predstavili izboljšavo srčnih spodbujevalnikov in vlogo ''človeka v odločitveni zanki'' . Za primer prepoznavanja okužb so raziskovalci ustvarili ekspertni sistem Mycin, ki pa uporablja tudi umetno inteligenco. Program povezuje mikrobiološke in klinične znake ter simptome z možnimi patogenimi organizmi, kar pomaga zdravnikom pri diagnozi. Nikoli ni bil uporabljen v praksi zaradi nezaupljivosti zdravnikov do umetne inteligence, predstavlja pa začetek ekspertnih sistemov. Najsodobnejši sistem je Med-PaLM, ki zagotavlja visokokakovostne odgovore na medicinska vprašanja. V praksi se uporablja kot pomoč zdravnikom pri povzetkih medicinskih zapisov, iskanju relevantnih informacij iz raziskovalnih člankov in odgovorih na vprašanja pacientov.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, malarija, človek v odločitveni zanki, ekspertni sistemi, Mycin, Med-PaLM, inteligentni medicinski sistemi, prihodnost medicine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160697 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206322435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2024
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Healthcare today faces many challenges, such as shortages of healthcare staff, increasing numbers of patients, long queues, etc. All these shortcomings affect the quality of treatment and care for patients, and there is an urgent need for innovation in healthcare to improve the efficiency, accuracy and accessibility of healthcare services. For the example of malaria, cardiac monitoring and the identification of certain infections, we will present the solutions that scientists have created to overcome the problems described above. Each of the systems requires a human in the loop to verify accuracy, but the role of the human is not the same for all systems. They can assist in training, act as the author of knowledge (e.g., in expert systems) or evaluate the usefulness of decisions and either approve or reject them. For the case of malaria, an expert system has been created that is accessible on a mobile phone and makes a diagnosis based on the patient's inputted symptoms. The app created is still in use today in less developed countries where access to a doctor is also poorer. This has also relieved the demand for a doctor and enabled care to be provided to people who really need it. The example of cardiac monitoring is a theoretical system, where various types of sensors were used to improve its performance, along with the role of the ''human in the loop''. As an example of infection recognition, researchers have created an expert system called Mycin, which also uses artificial intelligence. The program connects microbiological and clinical signs and symptoms with possible pathogenic organisms, helping doctors with diagnosis. It was never used in practice due to doctors distrust of artificial intelligence, but it marks the beginning of expert systems. The most advanced system is Med-PaLM, which provides high-quality answers to medical questions. In practice, it is used to assist doctors with summaries of medical records, searching for relevant information from research articles and answering patient questions.

Keywords:artificial intelligence, malaria, human-in-the-loop, expert system, Mycin, Med-PaLM, intelligent medical systems, future of medicine

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