
Strukturna analiza asistenc najboljših moških košarkarskih reprezentanc na evropskem prvenstvu leta 2022
ID Zadnik, Uroš (Avtor), ID Erčulj, Frane (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Štirn, Igor (Komentor)

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil analizirati in ugotoviti strukturo asistenc najboljših moških košarkarskih ekip na Evropskem prvenstvu 2022. Želeli smo raziskati, ali obstajajo razlike v številu prejetih in danih asistenc med različnimi tipi igralcev, analizirati različne načine izvedbe asistenc ter preučiti lokacijo podajalca in gibanje strelca pred prejemom asistence. Ugotavljali smo tudi delež asistenc, ki vključujejo tretjega igralca in razliko v povprečnem številu asistenc med zmagovalnimi in poraženimi reprezentancami. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 640 asistenc, izvedenih s strani 16 najboljših ekip, ki so se uvrstile v zaključni del tekmovanja. Podatke smo pridobili v obliki video posnetkov s pomočjo video-analitičnega orodja Synergy Sports. Posnetke asistenc smo nato na podlagi opazovanih kriterijev razvrstili v razpredelnico. Te podatke smo obdelali s programoma Microsoft Excel in IBM SPSS. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v številu prejetih in danih asistenc med različnimi tipi igralcev. Večina asistenc so košarkarji izvedli iz gibanja in manjši delež z mesta. Pri asistencah so igralci v večjem deležu uporabljali podaje iz vodenja, pri čemer so s 53,8% prevladovale soročne podaje pred enoročnimi. Velika večina (80,6%) asistenc je bila izvedena z neposrednimi podajami, brez odboja od tal. Najbolj pogosto izbrana lokacija, kjer je prišlo do asistence, je bilo območje nad linijo prostih metov, prostor v raketi je bil na drugem mestu, asistence s krila pa so bile najmanj pogoste. Pred prejemom asistence so košarkarji enakovredno uporabljali različne načine gibanja, z rahlo prevlado odkrivanja pred vtekanjem. Sodelovanje tretjega igralca pri asistencah ni bilo pogosto, pojavljalo se je le v 21,9% primerih. Zmagovalne ekipe pa so imele v povprečju eno asistenco več na tekmo kot poražene ekipe. Rezultati nam dobro prikažejo strukturo asistenc pri najboljših evropskih ekipah. Iz njih lahko ugotovimo, kakšni so trendi pri uporabi tega košarkarskega elementa. Glede na pomanjkanje raziskav na tem področju bodo pridobljeni rezultati v pomoč v procesu treniranja kakor tudi pri nadaljnjih raziskavah.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:košarka, asistenca, Evropsko prvenstvo, tehnika, taktika
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160549 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.08.2024
Število ogledov:143
Število prenosov:33
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:A structural analysis of assists by the best men's basketball teams at the 2022 European Championship
The main purpose of this master's thesis was to analyze and determine the structure of assists by the best men's basketball teams at the 2022 European Championship. The goal was to investigate whether there are differences in the number of assists received and given among different playing positions, analyze the various ways assists are executed, and examine the passer's location and the shooter's movement before receiving the assist. Additionally, we included a comparison of the percentage of assists involving a third player and the difference in the average number of assists between winning and losing teams. The research included 640 assists performed by the 16 best teams of that year, who made it to the final part of the competition. The data was obtained in the form of video recordings using the Synergy Sports video-analytical tool. The assist recordings were then categorized into a table based on observed criteria. This data was processed using Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS. The analysis results showed that there are differences in the number of assists received and given among different playing positions. Most assists were executed by players while in motion, with a smaller portion executed from a stationary position. For scoring passes, players predominantly used passes while dribbling, and two-handed passes accounted for 53.8% of all assists compared to one-handed passes. The vast majority (80.6%) of assists were executed directly without bouncing off the floor. The most frequently chosen location for assists was above the free-throw line, with the paint being the second most common area, while assists from the wings were less frequent. When seeking a good shooting opportunity, players used various movements before receiving the assist equally, with a slight prevalence of finding open space over cutting. The involvement of a third player in assists was not common, occurring in only 21.9% of cases. Winning teams had, on average, one more assist per game than losing teams. The results provide a clear picture of the structure of assists among the best European teams. From this, we can determine the trends in the use of this basketball element. Given the lack of research in this area, the obtained results will aid in further research.

Ključne besede:basketball, assist, European Championship, basketball technique, basketball tactic

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