
Podoba otroka in otroštva v zgodbah Iva Andrića : diplomsko delo
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V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala podobo otroka in otroštva v zgodbah Iva Andrića, pri čemer sem se posebej osredotočila na zgodbi "Trdnjava" in "Knjiga". Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela: teoretični in empirični. V teoretičnem delu bom predstavila definicije mladinske književnosti v Sloveniji ter Bosni in Hercegovini, skupaj z njenimi zgodovinskimi koreninami. Osredotočila se bom na pogled Marjane Kobe o književnosti za otroke, raziskala dojemanje otroka in otroštva po Philippu Arièsu ter predstavila delo Carla Gustava Junga, s posebnim poudarkom na njegovih arhetipih otroka. Poleg tega bom podrobneje obravnavala življenje in delo Iva Andrića. V empiričnem delu bom analizirala zgodbi "Trdnjava" in "Knjiga" Iva Andrića v skladu s teorijo sodobne pravljice Marjane Kobe. Posebno pozornost bom posvetila časovnemu in prostorskemu kontekstu dogajanja, razvoju literarnih likov ter dinamiki odnosov med njimi. Analiza bo zajemala ključne dogodke v zgodbah in njihov vpliv na like, raziskavo prostora in njegove vloge pri oblikovanju poteka zgodbe ter časovni okvir in njegov vpliv na razvoj zgodbe. Osredotočila se bom tudi na sporočilo zgodb ter način, kako avtor prek dogodkov in likov izraža vrednote. Posebno pozornost bom namenila podobi arhetipa otroka v zgodbah z uporabo Jungove teorije arhetipov. Identificirala bom simbole, povezane z arhetipom otroka, in jih primerjala s konkretnimi situacijami in liki v zgodbah. Ta pristop mi bo omogočil raziskati, kako simbolika in arhetipi vplivajo na razumevanje otroškega lika in njegovega doživljanja v zgodbah. Poleg tega bom izvedla splošno analizo celotne zbirke "Otroci", da bi pojasnila avtorjevo delo in položaj otroka v njegovem literarnem opusu ter preučevala, kako Andrić v različnih zgodbah upodablja otroke, kakšne vloge jim dodeljuje in kako skozi otroške like izraža svoje ideje in vrednote.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:literarna analiza, Ivo Andrić, podoba otroka, otroštvo, kvalitativna metoda, Marjana Kobe, Jungova teorija arhetipov, arhetip otroka, otroci, mladinska književnost
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:N. Ješić
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:V, 62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160404 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:206207747 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.08.2024
Število ogledov:117
Število prenosov:21
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Image of the Child and Childhood in the Stories of Ivo Andrić
In my thesis, I examined the image of the child and childhood in Ivo Andrić’s stories, with a particular focus on the stories "The Fortress" and "The Book". The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part, I will present the definitions of youth literature in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with its historical roots. I will focus on Marjana Kobe’s perspective on children's literature, explore the perception of the child and childhood according to Philippe Ariès, and present the work of Carl Gustav Jung, with particular emphasis on his archetypes of the child. Additionally, I will examine in detail the life and work of Ivo Andrić. In the empirical part, I will analyze Ivo Andrić’s stories "The Fortress" and "The Book" through the lens of Marjana Kobe’s theory of the modern fairy tale. I will pay special attention to the temporal and spatial contexts, the development of the literary characters, and the dynamics of their relationships. The analysis will cover key events in the stories and their impact on the characters, explore the role of space and how it shapes the narrative, and examine the time frame and its influence on the story’s development. I will also focus on the messages conveyed by the stories and how the author uses events and characters to express values. Particular attention will be paid to the image of the archetype of the child in the stories, with Jung’s theory of archetypes applied. I will identify symbols associated with the archetype of the child and compare them to specific situations and characters within the stories. This approach will allow me to investigate how symbolism and archetypes influence our understanding of the child character and their experiences within the stories. Additionally, I will undertake a comprehensive analysis of the entire collection "Children" to elucidate the author’s work and the role of the child within his literary oeuvre, and study how Andrić depicts children across different stories, the roles he assigns to them, and how he conveys his ideas and values through these child characters.

Ključne besede:literary analysis, Ivo Andrić, image of the child, childhood, qualitative method, Marjana Kobe, Jung’s theory of archetypes, archetype of the child

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