
Fluktuacija in zadrževanje gostinskega kadra: vidik delavca in delodajalca : magistrsko delo
ID Kodelja, Tinkara (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gostinski sektor se tako kot ostali sektorji sooča s problemom fluktuacije, ki predstavlja razmerje med številom odhodov in prihodov zaposlenih v okviru posamezne organizacije. V gostinstvu velja fluktuacija za naraven pojav. Velik problem v zadnjih letih pa je predvsem trend negativne fluktuacije v gostinstvu. Odhodi delavcev namreč predstavljajo uhajanje znanja iz organizacije in povečanje stroškov za organizacijo (npr. stroški privabljanja, uvajanja novo zaposlenih). Na podlagi tega so organizacije razvile različne strategije zadrževanja kadra z namenom ohranjanja učinkovite delovne sile na obstoječih delovnih mestih. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo podrobneje opredelili temeljne pojme – fluktuacija, zadrževanje kadra, opis gostinske dejavnosti ter zadrževanje in fluktuacija gostinskega kadra. V empiričnem delu smo na podlagi intervjujev z (bivšimi) delavci v gostinstvu in intervjujev z delodajalci v gostinstvu raziskovali vidik delavca in delodajalca na fluktuacijo in zadrževanje gostinskega kadra. Skozi raziskavo smo zaznali, da se delodajalci zavedajo želja zaposlenih in že sprejemajo določene ukrepe (zaprti obrati ob nedeljah). Oboji, delavci in delodajalci, pa opozarjajo na potrebo po ustrezni izobrazbi (srednja gostinska šola) zaposlenih za delo v gostinskem sektorju za izboljšanje ugleda gostinstva in posledično zmanjšanja fluktuacije v gostinskem sektorju.

Keywords:fluktuacija, zadrževanje, delavec, delodajalec, gostinstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Kodelja
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (143 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160265 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206799363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Fluctuation and retention of hospitality staff: perspectives of workers and employers
Hospitality sector, as many other sectors, faces the problem of fluctuation. Fluctuation represents the ratio between the number of resignations and new arrivals of employees within an organization. In hospitality, turnover is considered a natural occurrence. We must point out that a major issue in recent years has been the trend of negative turnover in the hospitality industry. Employee turnovers represent a loss of knowledge for organizations and an increase in costs (e.g., costs of attracting and onboarding new employees). As a result, organizations have developed various retention strategies to maintain an effective workforce in existing positions. In the theoretical part of master’s thesis, we defined the fundamental concepts of turnover, employee retention, hospitality industry, and retention and turnover of hospitality staff. In the empirical part, based on interviews with (former) hospitality workers and with hospitality employers we examined the perspectives of workers and employers on the turnover and retention of hospitality staff. Through the research, we found out that employers are aware of employees' desires and are already taking certain measures (such as closing restaurants on Sundays). Both workers and employers emphasize the need for appropriate education (vocational hospitality schools) for employees in the hospitality sector, which would enhance the reputation of the industry and consequently reduce turnover.

Keywords:fluctuation, retention, employee, employer, hospitality

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