
Uporaba kokulture celičnih linij THP-1 in Jurkat za določanje imunosupresivnega delovanja spojin
ID Pollak Sicherl, Pika (Avtor), ID Sollner Dolenc, Marija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Franko, Nina (Komentor)

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Imunski sistem predstavlja kompleksno mrežo organov, tkiv in imunskih celic, ki prepoznavajo lastno in tuje ter tako organizem ščitijo pred tujki. V primeru neustreznega delovanja pride do porušenja homeostaze, kar vodi v razvoj bolezni ali celo smrti posameznika. Zato so potrebne metode, ki prepoznavajo spojine z imunomodulatornim delovanjem, da lahko ocenimo tveganje, ki spremlja izpostavljenost določeni spojini. Določanje imunosupresivnega delovanja spojin danes temelji na živalskih modelih, a se razvija vedno več alternativnih in vitro ter in silico metod, ki naj bi v prihodnosti nadomestile obstoječe teste. V ta namen je bil razvit in vitro model kot alternativa testu izločanja citokinov v človeški polni krvi, saj je ta zaradi uporabe vzorcev različnih posameznikov omejen z interindividualnimi razlikami. Razviti model temelji na uporabi kokulture celičnih linij THP-1 in Jurkat, ki predstavljajo monocite in limfocite T. Z uporabo znanih imunosupresivnih spojin z različnimi mehanizmi delovanja smo ocenili ustreznost razvitega modela za določanje imunosupresivnega delovanja spojin. Najprej smo ocenili citotoksično delovanje izbranih spojin s testom redukcije resazurina. Pri testiranih koncentracijah smo kot citotoksične spojine identificirali dasatinib pri koncentracijah, višjih od 1 μM, imatinib pri 50 μM koncentraciji in torin 1 pri koncentracijah, višjih od 100 nM. V nadaljevanju smo celice kokulture izpostavili 10 μM in 100 nM koncentraciji izbranih spojin. Najvišja koncentracija, pri kateri večina spojin ne deluje citotoksično na celice kokulture, je namreč 10 μM, 100 nM koncentracija pa predstavlja koncentracije, ki jih testirane spojine dosegajo pri in vivo pogojih. Celice smo nato aktivirali s kombinacijo aktivatorjev in z ELISA testom določili koncentracijo izločenih citokinov IL-2, IL-8 in TNF-α. Pri 10 μM koncentraciji smo uspeli dokazati imunosupresivno delovanje spojin dasatinib, imatinib, tofacitinib, idelalizib, mirdametinib in torin 1. Pri 100 nM koncentraciji pa smo uspeli dokazati imunosupresivno delovanje spojin tofacitinib, mirdametinib, torin 1 in dasatinib. Z razvitim modelom nismo uspeli dokazati imunosupresivnega delovanja spojin apremilast, bukladezin in sulfasalazin. Zaključili smo, da model ni ustrezen za ocenjevanje spojin, ki delujejo kot inhibitorji fosfodiesteraz, in spojin, ki inhibirajo izločanje citokinov IL-2 in TNF-α iz celic THP-1. Za oceno imunosupresivnega delovanja spojin bi bil najprimernejši citokin IL-8, saj omogoča dokazovanje imunosupresije, poleg tega pa ga izločajo oboje celice kokulture, medtem ko IL-2 in TNF-α izločajo le celice Jurkat, zato ne dobimo popolnega vpogleda v potencialno imunosupresivno delovanje spojine. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno delovanje modela oceniti še z uporabo spojin z mehanizmi delovanja, ki doslej niso bili preverjeni, in v model vključiti še druge vrste imunskih celic, da bi model tako še bolje odražal sestavo polne krvi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kokultura imunosupresija in vitro metoda metoda novega pristopa citokini
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FFA - Fakulteta za farmacijo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160209 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.08.2024
Število ogledov:225
Število prenosov:112
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Use of THP-1 and Jurkat cell lines coculture for the assessment of immunosupressive activity of compounds
The immune system is a complex network of organs, tissues and immune cells that distinguish between self and non-self in order to protect the body from foreign materials. If its function is impaired, homeostasis is disrupted, leading to the development of disease or even death. Therefore, methods that identify compounds with immunomodulatory activity are needed in order to assess the risk that accompanies exposure to a particular compound. The determination of immunosuppressive activity of compounds is currently based on animal models, but an increasing number of alternative in vitro and in silico methods is being developed to replace existing tests. To this end, an in vitro model has been developed as an alternative to the human whole blood cytokine release assay, which is limited by inter-individual differences due to the use of samples from different individuals. The developed model is based on the use of a coculture of THP-1 and Jurkat cell lines representing monocytes and T lymphocytes. Using known immunosuppressive compounds with different mechanisms of action, we evaluated the suitability of the developed model to determine the immunosuppressive activity of the compounds. First, the cytotoxic activity of selected compounds was assessed by the resazurin reduction assay. We identified the following compounds as cytotoxic: dasatinib at concentrations above 1 μM, imatinib at 50 μM concentration and torin 1 at concentrations above 100 nM. Next, coculture cells were exposed to 10 μM and 100 nM concentrations of the selected compounds. The maximum concentration at which most of the compounds do not have cytotoxic effects on coculture cells is 10 μM, while the 100 nM concentration represents the concentrations reached by the tested compounds under in vivo conditions. The cells were then activated with a combination of activators and the concentration of secreted cytokines IL-2, IL-8 and TNF-α was determined by ELISA. At a concentration of 10 μM, we were able to demonstrate the immunosuppressive activity of dasatinib, imatinib, tofacitinib, idelalisib, mirdametinib and torin 1. At a concentration of 100 nM, we were able to demonstrate the immunosuppressive activity of tofacitinib, mirdametinib, torin 1 and dasatinib. However, we were not able to demonstrate immunosuppressive activity of apremilast, bucladesine and sulfasalazine with the developed model. We concluded that the model is not suitable for evaluating compounds that act as inhibitors of phosphodiesterases and compounds that inhibit the secretion of the cytokines IL-2 and TNF-α from THP-1 cells. The cytokine IL-8 would be the most suitable for the evaluation of the immunosuppressive activity of the compounds, as it allows for the demonstration of immunosuppression and is secreted by both THP-1 and Jurkat cells, whereas IL-2 and TNF-α are secreted only by Jurkat cells, so we do not get a full insight into the potential immunosuppressive activity of the compound. In the future, it would be worthwhile to assess the performance of the model using compounds with mechanisms of action that have not yet been tested and to include other types of immune cells in the model to make it more reflective of the composition of whole blood.

Ključne besede:coculture immunosupression in vitro method new approach method cytokines

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