Stress is an inevitable part of our everyday life and accompanies us throughout our lives. Constant changes in the environment and the demands of our society represent a great source of stress for us, which is difficult to avoid. We all find ourselves in stressful situations, but we respond and/or react to them, and deal with them differently. Some people are more successful in this, others less so. One of the main sources of stress is related to the work we do. Greater or lesser exposure to stress at work may depend, among other things, on our profession or on the role we play in the organization. Increased stress in the workplace is often associated with executives, who are often overworked due to the nature of their work. Their task is to ensure the successful and efficient functioning of the entire organization, and they are not only responsible for their work, but also for the work of their subordinates. Their work is influenced by several factors, which they are forced to adapt to and manage successfully. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part comprises information on what stress is and some general facts related to it, on stress in the workplace and its sources. It also represents the work of a manager and describes how stress in the workplace can be managed. The empirical part answers the questions whether managers are successful in identifying the stress they experience at work and what causes them the most stress at work. It also comprises information on how executives relate stress to their role in the organization and how they cope with stress at work.